Why europe is weak today?

Why the european union does not create a european army?
Why europe is weak?

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Because open your anus and your bank account to diversity isnt free chud

We do have an EU army, it's very small though. People have been working to expand it but some countries are very opposed to this idea because it would move the union towards something similar to the US federal government

Europe is weak because transatlantic incompetent corrupt losers that got thrown out of the national political game have driven forward federalization

Fuck the Feds
They should have been killed, not dumped in Brussels

european army would be too infected with homos trannies activists and pedos, easily triggered basedboys and racist stuck up eu rednecks

low birthrates
high median age
too much wealth creating people afraid of losing what they have

European cooperation would've been a global powerhouse if it wasn't for the globalists agenda to kill us all and dilute our wealth, intellect and prosperity.

>Why would i fight for europe? i'm black

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Ah and I should mention that last I checked, the EU army thing looks like it's getting strongarmed into existence regardless despite the protests. Look it up, it's pretty interesting

s o y men

Why a europe army is a bad thing?

Because people think NATO will solve everything and nothing has to change. I think Europe could have a strong federal military and still keep NATO.

You fags have been beging the mutts to fight your wars for a century now

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(((EU))) =/ European Peoples

>US doesn't want to be world police anymore so urop should do it
no, fuck you, go away

I don't think it's a bad thing personally, but I gather that the ones against it are concerned with the sovereignty of their own nations

>move the union towards something similar to the US federal government
>move the union towards something similar to an authoritarian dystopian police and prison state run by jews
this should terrify you

Because the EU is celebrating weakness as its core values. The only "strength" they have is neoliberalism which only benefits a certain class of people.

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Because Europe is America's bitch. America enslaved it in the aftermath of World War II.


Lot of countries are very bad

low testosterone.

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because there's no real Europe, mostly a bunch of economic plantations controlled by homo oeconomus who couldn't give a fuck about replacing its populations with a bunch of French speaking niggers as long as the numbers on some economic spreadsheet remain the same or improve, Europe has to first and foremost be an idea and ethos and elite, none of that is present, and no army can make it happen
actually, worse, an European army would probably only strengthen the maggots and parasites squatting in Europe since 1945 and prolong the agony

So what are your plans for continent?

impossible to really have directed plans as long as the current socio-economic regimes subsists, the quality of Europeans is what it is, if it can still produce an elite capable of resurrecting Europe from the ashes of WWII and rebirth it like the phoenix, it can only happen when things get bad enough for people to desire it, but that also means completely demolishing the current myths and ideals that are so pervasive, about equality, about democracy, etc.... it's an immense task, you can't make an imperialistic race out of soilatte drinking sexual-identity-confused manlets who fear even touching a gun, the European man has to be remade from scratch

Its over. At some point we will just collpase due to some crisis and never recover.