Daily reminder that Christ shattered Jewish legitimacy

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Jesus saves. Even jannies.

nazi christ eh

Salvation is from the Jews
-John the Baptist

Praise Jesus!
Marxist Jews would be wise to remember the parable of the Bad Tenants.

He mean the pharisees.

Christ is King

>we got a death sentence for this crime
>and for people like these ''prophets'' who dare to speak out the truth against (((them)))

>Christ means anointed messiah
>Messiah is like the nerevarine of the jewish race
>The annointed messah shattered Jewish legitimacy

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we get it, theyre your enemies because youre a poorfag

Every time it rains it rains
Jannies from heaven
Don't you know each cloud contains
Jannies from heaven

You'll find your posts deleted all over town
Be sure that your proxy is upside down
Trade them for a package of Any Forums gold accounts
If you want to post the things you love

Not man

being poor isn't a bad thing, user. money and possession is nothing to me. you should try it some time.

because money is your enemy, the only enemy you retards love

lol nice poem user

Jesus didn't exist.

And got crucified shortly after. Really makes you think.

Jesus Christ is king.

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money is not an enemy, but it's not something i Chace after.

1,) Not the right John; John the Evangelist said that.
2.) John the Evangelist also called Jews the Synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9) and said they were of their Father the Devil (John 8:44.)
3.) John 4 has is about Jesus' conversation with a Samaritan woman, who were like the Jews but did not worship in Jerusalem. Jesus said that in his time Jerusalem was the right place to worship, but that after his death and resurrection that it would no longer be necessary because all people would worship Jesus.

Daily reminder that the Trinity breaks the very first commandment and thus Christianity is false.

Not following your kike religion

Based lord and savior

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you dont have to follow. what are you so defensive about?


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God is one you donut. Jesus is not another God nor is the Holy Spirit. Apply yourself next time Abdullah

He is a jew tho

Usual blah
Who is Jesus?
Give me definition of God
Can you talk to God directly? If not, why not?
Why are you praising some guy as your King by this phrase, instead of praising God?

Based cos he defended a jewish temple?