Dutch Any Forumsder gener: Belgian is Dutch clay

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Is the Belgoid annexation really possible?

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Ik ben Vlaams Frans en wil nederlands leren

>Ik ben Vlaams-Frans en wil Nederlands leren

Ookal zou je alleen “frans” zijn ben je al Nederlands. Waarom praat je niet te taal van jouw voorouders?

>kanker kech a zaghbi

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>Je Maitendrai
Niet Eendracht maackt macht, een taak bakker en zelfs dat gaat fout

You can have Flanders desu senpai


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ik ben staut

ik spekje netherlands veitu
karl borst.. ja karl borst...

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Kom je uit Duinkerken of zo?
Cool, then you can have Germany.

>You are as Dutch as I am French. Why don't you speak the language of your ancestors ?
Pretty sure I got it wrong. Only trying to understand through transparent words in French/English/German and German grammar


eerst moeten de belgische wegen gefixt worden anders gaat het niks worden

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Kek that pic

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the first sentence in his post doesn't make any sense
>Even if you were only "french" you would already be Dutch.

gaan jullie op woensdag of maandag/dinsdag stemmen?

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Ik denke karl borst

wo ist denne herreman?
okay I give in look so børk is like 40% dutch at this point or since the 1500ds.... but we can still not understand you so the whole joke is there is just that ... we can't undertand you you sound just ridicolous to us and vice versa I guess

lol.. also you sound like danes... except with your s.. you can't say s you just say sh... just like the icelanders... sometimes when I sit on a train and listen to people talking enlighsi h I go... hmm is that an icelander?... no.... no is a dutch...

not sh...

you are not going to meat putin with that kind of danish speaking disorder you got goin on there....

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He's referencing to the Franks coming from Nieder Dietsland maybe

I know, I live in Calais but my family is French-Flemish

Only interested in Bavaria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, parts of Serbia and Ukraine

Nah, the French are Frankish rape babies, but they're not Franks.

I heard French-Flanders will implement Dutch learning in lower schools, correct?

if hitler 2.0 comes I swear to god I would send you and the danes to camps

>S!! not SH...
and ik ben ne


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maybe, i am not an expert at how autistics communicate

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Yes, just like every region that lost its language to French, except we are the last ones to do it
Alsace, Basque country, Aquitaine, Britanny, now us

>Sam van der Heiden, lijst 9, FvD

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Är du okej eller?

Britanny doing the old stuff or what?
Good thing you're learning Dutch over there


They have an obligation to put city name signs both in French and Breton, and they have Breton classes at school
We don't really need the signs since nearly all our city names already are Flemish or gallicized Flemish like Dunkerque, Audruicq (Ouderwijk), Tardinghem, Bolezeele, Steenvoorde, etc

hehe if you don't get the joke is the whole point user...

the whole joke(s) is just about this you sound jibberish to us so it's funny is like we can almost understand you but we can't lol.. so this is what all these posted vids is about.. ffs see the first one

he is just wandering around in amsterdam talking to immigrants... assumingly I guess because they don't know how to proper dutch or something I dunno.. is still funny as shit he just shows up there and pretends he speaks dutch and see how far he can pull it.

hahahahaha it's still so funny.. they have no idea he is just trolling and pretending to speak dutch

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Any Forums is for discussion of politics. All discussion here must occur in English.

If you want to talk about random topics in any language you want, go to /bant/.

I didn't Breton was still spoken. Indeed a lot of Flemish sounds, Duinkerke, -ghem, -zeele, -voorde

kek just look at this

>I am not comfy with you...
>you spook me
>what are you trying to say to me?


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I have been to Norway it is like someone is talking dutch but my brain cannot process it. It is unironically harder to understand than swedish even though the pronunciation of words are much more similair.

>wow guys who are you voting for next municipality election?
>not politics

Fuck off bot

fuck off faggot

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Pierre Minuit blocks your path

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Mostly old folks but there's a celtic revival movement all around the celtic world so
I wish Gaulish was revived too, it was very similar to latin

je kankermoeder brillenjoodje