So, do you support Russia or Ukraine, user?

So, do you support Russia or Ukraine, user?

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both are confused turks

Why should I care?

I have more sympathie for Russian since ukranian are crying all day long while Russian proudly fight globohomo



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I suppoert whatever kills russia

Not too keen on a coalition of islamic churkas, arabs and africans invading a european country over gas deposits under the pretext of fighting nazis so Ukraine easily


I support independent nations that represent their people and not war games being played at the behest of Jewish oligarchs and cheered on retards on social networks. Russia with all of its problems is closer to that ideal at this present moment.


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Russia, even though I like ukrainians. Just I want to see the world gasp in horror as a European leader get publicly executed, to serve an example to the rest of europe.

Neither, cause im not a useful idiot.
Jews run both. Rabbi kikelshillstein

Russia, since Putin now openly fights globohomo NWO overlords like Satan Klaus and György Soros.
Of course msm wants people to believe he is warmongering for no sane reason, a few days ago Ukrainian biolabs were also just a conspiracy theory until the WHO and Reuters wrote about it.

Neutral but leaning Russia

its a false dichotomy. whoever wins wins

mentally disabled children's art is beautiful

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Ukraine. Everyone who doesn't support Ukraine or worse, supporting rosia is a traitor to white race.


Based Pole. Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth soon

Neither i dont care about wypipo

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Just drive the cab, buddy.

The Russian government is an oligarchic dictatorship.
The Ukrainian government is the definition of corruption.
I am on the side of the Ukrainian and Russian people, both victims of their governments.
I hope Ukraine wins just so Putin is seen as a failure and hopefully overthrown.