There really isn't any hope is there?

there really isn't any hope is there?

I have things people desire. I have an attractive girlfriend. I'm going to have a materially successful future. It's not like I'm super unhealthy or out-casted.

And yet no matter what I realize that I'm a slave. No matter what.

This is a dystopia. And when you realize it it'll only hurt more

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Stop recording me please.

>I'm going to have a materially successful future.
You might think you're clever but you are not.

it's not about being clever. I just mean on a material level I'm going to be fine.

It's just all the more encaging y'know? The more shit you have that you've been manipulated into making it a part of you the more terrified you are to lose it

you also in the same predicament?

Go see a fuckin doctor you insane person, I'm reporting you as legally insane.

Hes correct. You’re just gay

the whole idea of psychiatry or therapy is insane isn't it?

We never really had it or needed it until we became involved in modern civilization. We like to champion our psychiatric efforts and the new age of self help and self care but I mean we never look at how it's the very bare minimum of what we did to ourselves.

Like shooting yourself in the foot and bragging about how well you can bandage it right?

>slide thread for demoralization
>op is most likely a tranny with an infected axe wound posting out of spite
keep your heads up lads, ignore these mentally ill cretins

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Maybe it's because you weren't due those gifts. Maybe this is you paying out interest on things you took before your time had really come. It's just a thought. But your post reminds me of fuckboys who sit in the passenger seat with a woman driving.

it feels a lot nicer. To remain ignorant and feel smart doing so because it has an official name and a few philosophers right?

It's easier to win when you can assume I'm something else. And I could be.

I'm not even a human here. I'm pixels on a screen

It isn't that I can assure you.

It's just an overlook.

My whole life could flash before my eyes and it would be comparable to many others.

No matter what I COULD do with it it'll still be in the same spot won't it? No matter how exciting it gets nothing is like a movie.

Just distractions before you hit the brakes

real talk sebpai what exactly do you desire. Describe the basic shape of what situation/prolonged periods of time you want to be in. Im in the middle of a thing ill try to get back to you asap

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To be fair I simply desire an empty world. I don't want to work for monetary gain. To buy random junk I'm told to like. I'll work because I enjoy it. Because I must.

I suppose I would like it better if I just wasn't a cog. If I was from the outside looking in rather than being the thing wearing out. Pushing the machine forwards in my own meaningless way.

I want out

Is user going g4p? How tf is this individual rich? TELL ME!

Its a clever play on words, they're sure of their successful future because they're already rich you bunch of gay retards. The fucking gay retards dude they're fuckin eachother in the was, this cannot continue, not on my watch.

You're fucking retarded if you think you are gonna be rich.

Go start an usury service, its an original way to ensure financial security.

Ill tell you how it is. No light without darnkess. Same goes for any pleasure. First is exposure to unpleasantry then comes desire to improve change bypass unpleasantry. You want out ? I happen to know for a fct that getting out of here requires an immense amount of work and especially sacrifice. Not talking aboit buying a goat and slaying it, i am talking about self denial tier sacrifice. Anyways if you want to know the only way out read the Bible kjv in english. All the others are just novels changed up enough to its own thing. Every organized religion dude is lying and feeding you false intel
>inb4 x
Listen man, ive been through things, ive survived happenings that logically i shouldnt have ive come out unhurt from things i shouldve ended up hurt real bad. Again its as simple as this the way out of this is contained as an instruction in the bible. When God makes sure to to let you live by force you know for a fact that it was so

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Shut up statey sowcattle.

>I have an attractive girlfriend. I'm going to have a materially successful future.
user, you wouldn't be posting on Any Forums if any of that were true

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They are allowed to brag as long as they keep us all updated on their antics. Im fact, it's encouraged!

I really dislike people like you. the point of life is to have genuine interactions and nurture things and to live in health. the fact that you have an “attractive girlfriend” and aren’t happy tells me you’re just a vapid person, you weren’t seeking about a companion, so you just went with the first fuck toy that presented itself to you. unlike a lot of people on 5is board all of your problems come from yourself.

your a idiot and a cry baby and your relationship if real will end. your not deep. you sound like either a girl whos larping as a male or a pansy

you ever cut your self bad doing something unsafe? yea i didnt think so. let me punch you in the throat before we talk of pain again. im glad we had this discussion sport

Youre a materialist, of course you are a slave.
You even talk about your gf as if she was some commodity.
Imagine being so pathetic that all you can say about you life is
>I o-own t-things

Absolutely pathetic goylem, go back to licking that shekel