Explain me

why does it still exist

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It definitely shouldn't, there are many of us waiting for liberation, mostly retarded boomers though, but still don't disappoint us

Liberation like what?

finance a violent government takedown?

seems legit.

>crescent and a goat on their flag
you cant make that shit up. Meanwhile those turkish rapebabies claim they are the whitest yugoslavians

because you're getting stuck in your frontyard

I went there for summer vacation until Covid started
But riddle me this, Ivan. Why do russia still exist?

You don't know anything, German.

So Serbs can have 2 states, one original thats is orthodox and one cannon fodder that is catholic

Because of our men

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coz we shall destroy globohomo evil bro, join us. You were cucked and deceived, but we can forgor

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What the heck are you even asking?

To landlock Serbia

Stop invading with muzies

Rich coming from a country with flag colors top to bottom representing niggers, prolapsed anuses and piss.

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Yugoslavia war and NATO's involvment in it.

who cares if it means destroying some globohomo's plan over ukraine? I would see even niggers in such mission. Tgere is nothing worse than globohomo.

Tko čeka oslobođenje ? Od čega? Živimo u jednoj od najležernijih država u svijetu. Vise od pola radne snage jedva da efikasno radi 20 sati tjedno, nešto manji broj ljudi ne radi ni 10, ostatak njih koji zapravo odrade 40+ sati tjedno ili rade kao dronovi za velike supermarkete/tvornice ili su privatnici koji pokušavaju uzdići posao. Doslovno se samo žale wageslaveovi koji primaju minimalac ili ekipa koja je završila neki IT smjer na faksu i kao entry level programer očekuje veću plaću od 7k kn. Većina klošara je otišlo van za DE/IR i slično, ne vratili se nikada, glasali za hdz vječno dabogda. Onaj tko kaže da mu je u jebenoj HRVATSKOJ loše ima problem sa vlastitom glavom. A šta ti s glavom momak?

>A šta ti s glavom momak?


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Back to the Bleiburg!

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Me on the left