Wtf happened to the freedom convoy?

Have heard absolutely nothing about it since this war started.

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Oh no somethings happening in Canada

the convoy never happened. like 4 truckers showed up.

Nothing crazy. It's over for now. I'm sure future plans will come out but don't expect it to be very public at first. They know the govt is after them

The what?

>freedom convoy
>40 mile convoy
Both fake and gay?

Me and my fren were talking about this very subject today. Where are the trucks?

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i know at least a small part of the convoy is still in ottawa. i heard they're thinking on what to do but it could just be a nothingbrger.

Only thing I could find, .

>Have heard absolutely nothing about it since this war started.
Crazy that

ye olde wars begun, covids done


This is what the media wants you to believe.

Only if you have a goldfish memory do you not remember the bridges being blocked so that they had to call in militarized cops.

Cops came and cracked skulls and threw the organizers in solitary confinement and denied them bail.

Yep. Remember Hitler was imprisoned the first time.

>truckers speak out
>vroom vroom it's a convoy
>oops world war 3 gas prices go brrrr

similar to

>are all world leaders pedophiles?
>tells grandparents
>oops worldwide biowar no more grandparents

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It's probably they who blocked the road to kiev

op you are silly

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but maybe not as retarded as me

Mask mandates ended today in my province and vaccine passport being ditched by April.

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Was wondering that myself today.
So they really just wanted to take a couple laps and cause literally zero disruptions?
I've been calling it the Quiet-As-A-Church-Mouse Convoy lol even though I love our truckers.

Wish ours was based like Canada's was!!!!!!

They were slow roll circling the capitol

Schwarzenegger is a globalist nigger faggot

The government declared some emergency shit put masks on tow truck drivers and made them tow the trucks by force. Afterwards they rescinded the government mandate and so it never happened legally. Maybe not recinded maybe the courts rejected it. Either way its another reminder that maybe the west needs to do some spring cleaning on its elites. In minecraft.