Social media made me into an isolated loser

Remember distinctly back in 2005-2010's, everyone was happy, well adjusted, had REAL social lives, hanged out with everyone, were really chill and there were less sociopathic/psychopathic behaviors. Then the 2012's came and you see this shit:
>suddenly everyone is “taking selfies”
>constantly doing faggot shit with their phone
>”what is this psychotic, self-documenting behavior”
>refuse to be a part of it
>”what’s your facebook user”?
>” don’t have one? Oh... I’m”
>”what’s your insta”?
>“’t have one”?
>start to see the most hyper social faggots getting all the irl attention and social status because they can manipulate social media to make their life look cool
>the reality is they’re just sitting around with other phone staring faggots taking pictures

Instead of say hanging out, just skating or playing basketball and other team-oriented sports, being with groups playing on our PC in LAN parties or just having fun with every chick we see and catcalling them as a joke amongst ourselves, everyone is now glued on their phones all day pretending they have a life. Truth is most people now just stare at their phones all day then pretend they're the coolest shit with their bants and pics.

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Friends slowly pulled away while I slowly isolated myself because of this unwillingness to get on board. This world is so fucking gay. It’s only gotten worse because of COVID. Before, I would have conversations with 15-50 people DAILY. Now, it's been reduced to around 5 people per day. I literally will be shitposting on Any Forums on my phone going for a walk because the second I put my phone down, I see nothing but horror. Nobody actually lives their life they just stare at their fucking phone all day every day, bully and harass others that they don't like to the point of suicide while in real life, pretend they like you or are your friends but will expose themselves what they really think once they post their toxicity on social media platforms.

While social media sites like Friendster and Myspace existed before, people weren't plugged in 24/7 since you needed a PC for that. With the advent of the iPhone and the smartphones that followed with it, everything suddenly changed. What went wrong with this world and where are the sane individuals who has formed communities other than the Amish who outright reject every form of technology after the 1800s?

If I could opt out in this world and join a community where social media shit and smartphones are banned, where acting and socializing like a NORMAL human being while not outright totally neglecting technology but only removing the toxic aspects of it, I would in a heartbeat.

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'social' media was a big mistake

Let me guess, are you in your early 20s?

I think a way around this is to say "oh I mostly just browse YouTube", or something similar like Twitch. i.e. a normie social media platform to confirm you browse something other than Any Forums but without a profile

She will die either miserable and alone or miserable and wishing she were alone. There's always a bright side.

Interesting. I had a similar experience. I’m an early 90’s baby so I remember what things were like before social media. The odd thing is that I thought that Facebook and things would be a passing fad - no one can possibly be so shallow, vapid and narcissistic? Right? I certainly didn’t think it would become such a big part of everyone’s lives.

Anyways, yeah I was a chad up until Instagram came out. I was tired of social media and so I never made one (I had FB though that some girl created for me). Basically most people ostrasicized me except for a couple of my good friends and I stopped getting pussy. Interestingly, I have noticed that normies are beggining to become fatigued with social media a bit, especially the zoomers. I think that social media was a shock to our collective social fabric and people needed some time to adjust.

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>everyone was happy, well adjusted, had REAL social lives
My dude the world pre-2010 was not a utopia of superhumans. Narcissism and superficiality were things then as well. But it's true social media has made things worse.

>212,00 a year
Isn't that Yuro for $212? Also those are not the same two bitches.

>My dude the world pre-2010 was not a utopia of superhumans.
80s boomer here. I grew up without the internet. A wonderful and pure childhood with family, friends, photo albums, movie nights, baseball in the open field, building forts, Nintendo, could smoke cigarettes anywhere you'd like, going to the mall and arcade, talking to girls you liked and seeing them blush, and it's the happiest I've ever been. It was the last time the world felt real and free and everyone was on the same page. The internet created a different reality with different friends. It created personas instead of personality. It's not the real world, yet more and more people live there. You can say to yourself that you'll never participate, but you'll still be as lonely and detached since everyone else is in the alternate reality already. I don't know how to fix it either. I just sit alone and think of how it used to be and turn into the boomer that smiles going through his old memories. I'd give it all to go back bros.

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Honestly, after living without friends for more than 20 years, i can say that its that way. No more diggers in your life.

80s kids were the last lot to experience real social interaction, the way it was intended and had been for all generations prior. Anyone born in the 90s onward missed out. The only memories I have of a time where the cesspool of social media was quarantined to MTV was when I was a very young kid, and I'm grateful for having some memories where social interactions were natural, but OP is very much not a faggot. It wasn't utopia, but it was a hell of a lot better than it is now. Social media has completely and utterly destroyed normal human social interaction for good. There is no coming back from this, unless it's wiped clean from the historical record.

Yep. Now most people I'm with are also glued to their cellphones 24/7. When hanging out, there is that ONE faggot who has to take pictures and just don't talk and/or is engrossed in social media. Then when we hang out, it's mostly online games playing in our cell phone. Instead of say just chilling out, playing basketball and talking, it has been replaced by narcissistic faggotry in Facebook and doing dances for Tiktok. They've replaced their personality with online personas. It's like they want to project a fake image to the world instead of living life and let people see the real you based on your character and actions.

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Your post hit home. I want to go back to 1987.

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80s and 90s were a fun time. Then late 2010s hit and the availability of cheap Chinese Android phones made everyone into fucking narcissists. I want to go back bros. Let this ride end.

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>in 2005-2010's, everyone was happy, well adjusted, had REAL social lives, hanged out with everyone, were really chill and there were less sociopathic/psychopathic behaviors

No, because I'm in my 30s and actually old enough to remember what people acted like back then

I live my life like it's the 80s as much as possible, so staying home most of the time does the trick since I can control everything here. Then when I leave, I go to nature since society has nothing for more me anymore.
:) This is not a sad thing to me anymore, it's just a fact.

>i wanna go back!!!!!!

You old fags are cancer

*for me anymore
Sorry, got a creeping headache from Jews (stress comes from Jews).

>t. has no idea how great it was

Honestly, you'd kill yourself in a hot minute if you had any idea at all.

>I only talk to 5 people daily waaaaah im so lonely
I dont think Ive spoken to 5 unique people this year

im glad i was old enough to experience the last year of actual civilisation, before the social downturn.

> long complaining post about society
didnt read
society is not ideal
adapt and vibe

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>I live my life like it's the 80s as much as possible
It's not possible anymore, not in this day and age. Almost everyone is addicted to their cellphones now. The only genuine conversation and socialization I will have now will be at home. The rest are now a bunch of narcissists posting their fucking faces and writing captions which have nothing to do with the situation at all.

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"Put your phone down and go see how many dead plants you've been watering"
I laughed so hard the first time I read that cause of how true it was.

ah yes it was great consoooming products!!

who gives a shit it's not going to solve anything crying about it not being the 80s anymore

Kek if you only knew how bad things really are

People are getting tired of all this shit and finding ways to move away from it