Why are so many poor people lazy and stupid?

I teach at an urban school and most of the students and their parents would be labeled mentally retarded in a saner time. The divide between special ed kids and the normal students is thin. Very few of them have any impulse control, or regard for the future. One student whose family has a bridge card always mentions when it's getting refilled, and complains when her mom runs out of food because they blew it all on crab legs and steak. In any given period, half the class talks over me, a third is wandering around the room, and the others are sleeping or playing games on their laptops. (I'm counting the days for when I can leave.) I'm just baffled about how dysfunctional these people are. I came from a shitty redneck upbringing and not even that has prepared me for the sheer levels of stupidity and laziness I see everyday in this city.

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They get broken and used by employers and become burnt out

>a bridge card
IS this because it has a picture o fa bridge on it

how many of them are mutts or niggers?

fpbp. Who is the greater fool, the fool himself, or his frustrated servants?

Niggers and spics, simple as. Poor Whites in Appalachia or South Carolina work hard as hell.

>bridge card
It's to build a financial bridge from your last job to your next one so you don't starve, or get your car repod. But for blacks and mexicans it's just the constant gibs card, a literal bridge to nowhere

hard as hell doing meth.

i sub at a school like this and it just astounds me. No self control, no impulse control whatsoever. will break shit for no reason. Lie about it without an ounce of shame. Get aggressive if you are too direct for their liking. They're so fucking stupid I can hardly believe it. There's a remedial ESL class I sub in particular, half of it are migrant children. Latino, asian, some indian, they get right to work and are trying to master English in record time. The black kids are fucking American. They just throw shit and try to fight and wander out into the hallway to yell at their friends or fight.

You truly have to see it to believe it.

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I have no idea why, but they do indeed have bridges on them.

Urban is just a codeword for black, hueanon.

Look to the parents. If kids see that lying and cheating is tolerated by their parents and government they will think it's okay.

Meth will get you moving fast, user.

Glad to know I'm not alone desu. Kids steal things off my desk, swear at me, refuse to work, try to fight other morons etc. I couldn't imagine a suburban or rural school like this. A common refrain when I catch a student lying or hurting someone, non-ironically, is "I dindu nothin'."

sending kids to the same schools as niglets is child abuse and a crime against humanity. niglets need special schools with specially trained handlers.

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Anyone know what happened AFTER the gif?

The parents, user, that's where I lost any hope I had left. I walk past the parents dropping their kids off to enter the school. Imagine a line of various escalades, beaters, old Saturns, all of which have heavy bass systems installed. All of them blaring. Concurrently. In a school. Parking. Lot.

Kids hop out with their pants around their fucking thighs at this point, some of them waddling like penguins because its cool. IT's not cool, and the parents are present when they're doing it. These kids are generations in of social annihilation. They never had a chance, and if they did they'd have broken it anyway and laughed.

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forgot that every vehicle in that line has expired paper tags and body damage.

>Why are so many poor people lazy and stupid?

Brains are expensive to run in terms of calories, and so every species is only as smart as it needs to be. If a 90 I.Q. man can spawn thirty children and have them taken care of by the state, then that man has high evolutionary fitness. He has succeeded in filling the world with his offspring. If a 150 I.Q. nerd gets a job as a chemical engineer but still can't get a date, then he has low evolutionary fitness. His genetic line dies out. All those smartboi genes go right down the toilet, but at least his tax dollars and the revenue generated from his research will go on to provide for the needs and future reproductive success of the children of the aforementioned 90 I.Q. man.

Poor people are lazy and stupid because they don't need to be otherwise.

>B-but it's such a sad life, being all poor and stupid.

Oh yeah, well how many kids have YOU had?

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>A century ago, blacks were doing alright
>Blacks had families with fathers
>Blacks worked jobs
>Blacks attended church
>Blacks attended school
>Blacks wore proper attire
>Blacks spoke English
>Marxist infiltrators promote civil rights/destruction of family/atheism/protohomo to destabilize America by turning blacks against whites
>(((White liberal))) politicians convert the niggerized blacks into a voting block controlled by gibs
>(((White liberal))) and (((conservative))) politicians secretly funnel drugs into black communities to ensure they remain fully niggerized
>KKK and legitimate whites waste energy fighting the symptom and not the sickness
>Blacks lose all progress and are once again reduced to generational niggerdom
>TFW you see two races getting Jewed in real time

I don't hate the black man, I pity him.

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You just described our parking lot, m8. One of the dumbest and laziest kids in my classes has a mom who works at the school. She's nice, but goddamn, I can't understand why her kid is so messed up.

your question pretty much answers your own question. they are lazy thus the poor, they are stupid thus the low skill job that keeps them poor