Niggers at a funeral

Niggers at a funeral.

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only white people weep at funerals. negros are believers, and send their dead to heaven. thus, they have cause to celebrate, not mourn. their loved one is in the bosom of christ. if whites believed it for a moment and weren't selfish pricks, they'd celebrate too. it is a momentous occasion, after all, death. the finest deed any man can do.

Hey look another Jew post. Sorry about Khazaria, heeb.

also, negroes don't understand politics

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>You have to be sad and cry at funerals....because...BECAUSE I SAID SO

wow imagine doing something that the person loved to do at their funeral

believing in christ and god and an afterlife is jewish now? i guess the demoralization is complete in your case, at the very least.

you sound retarded as fuck

Fucking dirty apes

its a meme you fucking moron.

>all people from one race are the same


Niggers will always be niggers. Beasts of the field.

Wat? Nonwhites, eg: niggers and spics, are known as casket climbers because they all freak out at funerals. Likely this is for attention as all their other monkeyshines, but it's consistent. It's also evident in the fact that every single one of their churchgoing gudbois wearing crosses and saint icons are also criminal pieces of shit.

stop anchoring the ones you love to the material plane.

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that's just bigmama and the baby mama. those two are always inconsolable. the rest of them celebrate.

>so anyway I started twerking

>believing in jewish god

Yes, you numbskull. It's just kike voodoo with a new software version.

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i see. that's why they killed christ then?
seems like you have some cognitive dissonance there, buddy. besides, Jesus wasn't even Jewish by blood. he was celestial. Mary didn't have the bloodline. JOSEPH did.

Is that Biden on the left? Must be cornpop's funeral

Why is Biden there?

They're dumber than elephants.

What is "dropin"?

dropin dat ass

It's where they let their pants sag so you can see their underwear.

Jesus was a Rabbinic scholar.

5 And Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good that we are here. Let us make three tents, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.”