Reminder all this US biolab fud is China trying to save face from starting the pandemic

Reminder all this US biolab fud is China trying to save face from starting the pandemic

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Pretty much. I find it funny that they waited over 2 years just to now reveal the US biolabs in Ukraine. It's too late to change the public opinion. Everyone knows the china virus started in Wuhan.

Opinion discarded. America will pay for the damages done to the world

You’re mentally retarded if you think the USA wasn’t at least every bit as involved

>2 years just to now reveal the US biolabs in Ukraine.
retard, the labs were revealed due to Russia's invasion. Put 2+2 together manduro.

Ching Chong

Yeah USA was so involved that Trump decided to completely ignore the pandemic and call it a hoax.

I mean it's been proven that the US govt was funding the Wuhan lab, also the 1st suspected case in late 2019 coincides with the World military games and the US team was staying in a hotel close to the wet market. idk man

Even if what you said was true, you basically just said China started the pandemic.

This. Trump would have known about these biolabs in Ukraine and wouldn't have went after China so hard if he thought that the US was responsible.

CCP shill detected. Stop spreading diseases every few years you subhuman filth.


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>Trumpkike Would have exposed Jew oligarchs


No I didn't. The pandemic starting in China and China starting the pandemic are two different things. Saying China started the pandemic implies they did it on purpose and they already had knowlege it would happen, which is not true as there is no evidence, and if you think so stop watching infowars and steven crowder.

Great thread op.
Death to china

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China's wet markets starting the pandemic is China starting the pandemic.

Trump would have shut down those labs considering there was a war going on in Ukraine since 2014.

Another CCP proxy shill detected.

>Trump would have known about these biolabs
His own cabinet put forces in Syria without his knowledge

american muh education

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yeah no shit


>lives in one side of the planet
>Hates the other side of planet
Why are hoomans like this?

Fake news. Take responsibility for your subhuman ways, chink. Now you're going to pretend like SARS and H1N1 didn't come out of your shithole country either.

i mean i wouldn't expect a mutt to know the difference but with that logic the US started the spanish flu.

I maintain that China at the very least didn’t act alone. You will never change my mind. To assert the US would never ever do such a thing denotes brain damage in my opinion.

China better take note. They have to cross a fucking ocean to get to taiwan

Or its NATO Masons trying to kill everyone! Let me think from past experiences!

wet market or not they purposefully prevented the scientific community fro spreading the alarm before it spread out of hand. At the end of the day the blame still rests solely on poor CCP management

Explain Moderna having it before it leaked.

Actually China caused it, they caused the black plague too.

China pretty much caused every disease.

They prescribe antibiotics for broken bones. They will make another pandemic

I didn't make any claims regarding where kung flu came from, and I fully believe Chinese incompetence played strongly into its release. But it's pretty inarguable that the US was involved in its development.

SARS and COVID are the same virus, just different strains. SARS also came out of that commie filth ridden shithole country a few years back.

you mean when CCP agents stole it from a canadian lab years ago?

and that still doesn't excuse CCP mismanagement when it started early on, dumb bug

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>was involved in its development
how was the US involve in making Chinks eat anything that moves?

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>CCP shill detected. Stop spreading diseases every few years you subhuman filth.
how can you post pure lies? Dr. Fauci approved grants to the Eco Health Alliance, run by Peter Daszak, to study bat corona viruses in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. COVID was created by the western scientific establishment using chinese lab techs.

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This. Also Moderna and the WEF.

>SARS and COVID are the same virus, just different strains.
Moderna had the strain that leaked before it leaked.

they also caused the last ice age and the flood that had noah build the arc right?

>CCP mismanagement when it started early on, dumb bug
No other world leaders mismanaged it?

were those diseases?

Shills are now desperately scrambling to deflect blame on China. I’m not saying China didn’t actively participate but they certainly didn’t act alone.

sure why not, who knows if some prehistoric chinese disease lies frozen in antarctica. and the nazis are experimenting with it in their bases in neuschwabenland.

Not as poorly or disastrously as shitty commie planning in the CCP lol nope

ok ik that, where did I deflect exactly?