My house was just cased again by Glowniggers

I'm fucking retarded for not thinking to capture it on camera. Every once and a while a car will stop across the street from my house and stay there momentarily for about half an hour or so. Whenever I go outside to approach the car (it's always a different car) it speeds off the moment I step foot out the door.

This time I caught the stranger's gaze from my window, he was a middle aged guy wearing sunglasses despite it being overcast today, when he found me staring at him he promptly rolled up his (tinted) driver's side window. I moved away and watched the car from a concealed position after that and he stayed for about 15 minutes before speeding off.

It's probably the FBI trying to prod me, I haven't done anything illegal but I have some spicy takes, their agents most likely have some device which can force them to see what's going on, on a given wifi network that is. Who knows.

Does anyone have any similar experiences? So far I haven't gotten the infamous knock yet. Next time this happens I'l make sure to record it.

Attached: 00b.jpg (600x600, 35.81K)

>Does anyone have any similar experiences?
Glow harder

fuck you kike

put down the crack pipe mutt, it will help a lot.
nobody cares about 4 channers unless they plot an imminent terrorist attack or smth

"Combatting White Supremacy" is our DOJ's number 1 priority. They have allocated untold millions in tax dollars to harass dissidents because they know full well what it means if they get their shit together.


Toss some roofing nails where they park

then suck it, and endure.
who dares wins

I've gotta figure out who the fuck they are before I do anything. Next time I'll record it.

>glowing green ID
really makes you think

Out of state astro vans with the back windows tinted/covered

quit the meth before its too late.
if glowniggers want you, you get vanned.
simple as.

Put a few 77 grain hollow points through his window.

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Meds now. What the fuck would they park outside, you think this is the 80s? They can access any camera or michelson's in your house and they know where you go because of your phone.

You do realize it's still in the police's doctrine to learn the habits of people they're investigating, right? Not only that, but no knock raids sometimes take 4-5 months of consistent reconnaissance.

It could be a plethora of reasons. They stop right outside my neighbor's house across the street, I'll have to ask him about it next I see him.

This is early stages gangstalking. Youre in for a wild ride, user.
>verification not required

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This op.
They'll stop watching you and come get you in 2 weeks if you keep it up

>wearing sunglasses despite it being overcast today
I do that all the time, it's too bright desu

You need to go to your doctor tell them all about this and then start taking your anti-psychotics.
You literally just have paranoid schizophrenia.

>77 grain
Best grain

I mean, people do get surveilled.

Yes but this guy almost certainly isn't.
What a pointless comment. People get raped doesn't mean OP needs to shove a cock trap up his ass.

there is literally no way to no that, OP genuinely doesn't seem like that big of a schizo yet