Be native american

>be native american
>my people dindu nothing but get dunked on
>will die in nuclear holocaust anyway because white people are fighting again
I hate this
I want to go back
I want to go back
I want to go back

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You need to kill 90% of wh*tes first. Fair is fair.

What tribe user?

should've won the colonial wars then nigger

Maybe you should have built your own nukes then.

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The slapahoe

Help us kill nigs and spics during the post apocalyptic race wars and your tribe can have its traditional territory back.

Small Pox can't kill that many. You have to prove those numbers of population.

>Small Pox can't kill that many. You have to prove those numbers of population
Better to be safe. Kill 95% of whites and put the rest in zoos

Find the true white brother. simple as.

go back where? to the pacific islands you came from?


Beasts aren't brothers user

jews and diseases killed your people.

>my people dindu nothing
Some didn't, but many were absolutely savage. None of this "defending their native lands" bullshit either, just raping burning and looting niggers. Academics, bleeding hearts, and Hollywood have romanticized the shit out of Indians and purged or created justifications for all the horrible shit many of them did.

Nile falling for your lies again (((cumskin)))

Evolutionarily-minded hominids must now take on the anti-evolutionary evil that is the Anglo-Saxon-Jewish mind.

They want a Great Reset? It will have to start with THEM first. And we'll have to force them into it.

>just raping burning and looting niggers
They left that life behind when they left Russia

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There was 2 different whites to come the first ones were probably jews.

Same with Vikings but white supremacists still love to celebrate "muh heritage"

To be fair your people were doing the same things Europeans did when they got here. Your noble savage mythos is giving you a false sense of victimhood. The Indians were killing one another for territory and resources when we got here. Your people were taking slaves, killing children and raping one another. White people were just smarter, better equipped and batter at conquest. We spent the entire middle ages in Europe refining our military art by the time we got into colonialism you guys didn't stand a chance.

It's not about right and wrong its about survival of the fittest. Manifest destiny.

I'm also native and my tribe did tons of shit. We killed the fuck out of many weaker tribes. Even the land that is now our 'reservation' was taken by us with violence and strength. My tribe fought longer than any other. We were the last to capitulate.

If we went back, I would leave you dead on a battlefield and take your women.

this. injuns are known for scalping people.

The fact that natives weren't killed or forced to assimilate was one of America's biggest mistakes.


Vikings raided and pillaged other lands sure, but I don't think they were prone to murdering the farmer and his wife 10 miles down the road, just so they could steal his shit and rape his daughters. Especially not if the farmer had been kind to them up until that point and given them free shit willingly.

Native? Go back to siberia. North america is european lands

You bring nothing to humanity. Thousands of years and still live like nomads. Should be killed. There's nothing native about you. You came from siberia. Should end you all savages.

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