Damn powerful…

Damn powerful…

Attached: 0A6E929B-BA5F-42D6-8BF3-B050D65EFDEB.png (579x518, 421.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's an injun reservation in a blue state.

Attached: Neah_Bay1.png (1920x969, 3.24M)

>Souless "Utoipa" vs peak of early West coast civiliseation

i'd take living in a red state with privacy, space, and horses over some dystopian statist fueled hellscape with constant surveillance, tracking, and being bombarded by agitprop on every tv, billboard, radio, etc etc.

god damn being rural has never ever felt better.

Soulless vs soul

Meanwhile in reality

Attached: 210422-los-angeles-skid-row-jm-1620.jpg (2500x1604, 3.29M)

which of these 2 lifestyles puts a bigger stress on our planets resources?

Attached: 1533835913638.jpg (731x747, 53.62K)

Looks comfy, would drink listerine with Chief Big Nose

You can find just as shitty ones in red states too desu.

This is what blue states are like in 2022.

Attached: Every Major City in the US.webm (480x480, 2.86M)

Can't even show a real picture because they live in fantasy land denying reality

Are those dead dogs or are they sleeping?

I live in New York, can someone point to where all the cool shit is? Everything is covered in piss.

You can't say that moooddddsssss cancel him he's offensing me

Attached: CryingWojak.jpg (233x216, 9.19K)


Attached: 83B2C37B-A6F2-48FB-A0CF-7C10F2D0F901.jpg (1280x833, 420.03K)

Omg yes! This is so accurate! I love living in California because it’s like the future here

From Locke to inslee, and all the californians in between, they keep the weeds growing, and tarps blue. Can't larp without your tarp.

Here's downtown Seattle then.

>blue states

Attached: 1604138500406.jpg (749x929, 141.56K)

I prefer the right, honestly.

I got soul but I'm not a soldier

Attached: 14-142664_pepe-pepe-listening-to-music.jpg (820x652, 128.38K)

That’s not true. All states are roughly the same in that the cities are all corrupt crumbling decaying overpopulated dangerous crime infested hell holes and the rural areas are white


Let’s go for a drive, anons!

That’s why he’s posting some shitty rendering

Just sleeping. Most rez dogs are pretty relaxed.

If accurate why the fuck are so many of you faggots moving to red states huh?

Also post uncensored version with that little globalhomo's name so I can go on twatter and mock it mercilessly.

Attached: California.png (686x709, 546.2K)

Checked, and incredibly based and true.

Kek, with theft being legal up to $950 and murder going unprosecuted based on skin color, big cities like California are much more like the wild west than anywhere else.

>Dis Injuns

Now Add Crack and it's LaLa Land and everything is perfect see how that works!?

Someone shop a bunch of tents and masks on the left


Attached: democrat-cities.png (741x1108, 1.98M)

Not nearly enough homeless and drug addicts and designated shitting streets. It’s amazing how places like California are devolving back into the third world.