Need Russian Translation ASAP

This seems interesting. Putin claiming to know the elite's plan of world depopulation, allegedly.

Can any Rusky bro's confirm. True if Big.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-11 075215.png (645x447, 285.39K)



bump for curiosity

Attached: B41A9385-277E-4810-9A3C-3666E30DA1A2.jpg (1125x2436, 212.52K)


He's greeting the soldiers at the military parade, for the 75th anniversary of their win in WWII

No, pretty sure he says something about russia then soldiers

Ivan, please confirm translation

Nothing that is written in the subtitles is true.

The subtitles are total bullshit and do not match what he's saying at all, it's just a "Victory Day" celebration, he's greeting the soldiers and shit and essentially ends it with "the world is still fucked there is terrorism and shit".


Attached: notoymakers.png (523x525, 192.36K)


I confirm this

Fucking Gab users. No wonder the left has such an easy time laughing at us.

Увaжaeмыe гpaждaнe poccии дopoгиe вeтepaны тoвapищи coлдaты и мaтpocы cepжaнты и cтapшины мичмaн и пpaпopщики. Toвapищи oфицepы гeнepaлы и aдмиpaлы. Пoздpaвляю вac c днeм пoбeды в этoм гoдy иcпoлняeтcя 75 лeт c нaчaлa вeликoй oтeчecтвeннoй вoйны. Уpoки иcтopии гoвopят o тoм чтo миp нa плaнeтe нe yтвepждaeтcя caм пo ceбe чтo нyжнo быть бдитeльными чтo нeдoпycтимы двoйныe cтaндapты близopyкocти пoтaкaть нe тeм ктo вынaшивaeт нoвыe пpecтyпный зaмыceл. Ceгoдня цивилизaция внoвь cтoлкнyлacь c жecтoкocтью и нacилиeм. Teppopизм cтaл глoбaльнoй yгpoзoй. Mы oбязaны пoбeдить этo злo oни их нe пoдвoдят и вceгдa бyдyт дepжaть paвнoвecиe. Ha вeликyю пoбeдy нa пoдвиг дoблecть юнoгo пoкoлeния пoбeдитeлeй. C пpaздникoм вac. Днeм вeликoй пoбeды ypa.

>Dear citizens of Russia, dear veterans, comrade soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, warrant officers and warrant officers. Comrade officers generals and admirals. I congratulate you on Victory Day this year marks the 75th anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War. The lessons of history show that peace on the planet does not assert itself, that one must be vigilant, that double standards of short-sightedness are unacceptable to indulge those who are not nurturing new criminal plans. Today, civilization is again faced with cruelty and violence. Terrorism has become a global threat. We must defeat this evil, they do not let them down and will always keep their balance. To a great victory, to the feat of valor of the young generation of winners. Happy holiday to you. Happy Great Victory Day.

gab glows so fucking hard

So as usual, OP is a faggot.

>diligent faggot
I fixed it for you.

OP is like every other queer on Twitter and the left . He just spews a ton of bullshit without confirming anything. Easily fooled. Easily lied to. Far too retarded to look anything up and too lazy to put in five minutes of effort. Same shit as the Q larpers, same shit as Twitter lefties, just same old shit all around.

Absolutely fake, how could you even doubt that? Arab subtitles? 144p quality? Come on!
Boring ass standard Victory Day speech.

Everyone wants to feel like they are "in on" some "secret information" or "the truth", so they end up embarrassing themselves spreading bullshit on the internet. The gullibility of these people is immeasurable.

Wow, it's almost like you can't comprehend the point of the OP.

OP drinks piss in public toilets
>calling yourself a caveman and thinking thats a good thing

>just slap some shit in the subs
>nobody speks russian anyway
best fucking laugh I had in years!

Attached: lmao in moss.jpg (416x439, 94.78K)

disgusting troon bumper

>C'mon Op, you're supposed to know Russian. How can you be so inept?

He's shaking hands with dumbledore
He won the house cup

jew baby crocodile tears

Attached: i am jew putin.jpg (720x941, 99.6K)

Wow, it's almost like you just made a fool of yourself again. You probably do this regularly and relive each moment. Try getting your head out of your ass and confirming information (especially horseshit you find on gab or twitter) instead of buying everything like a gullible fuckin moron

You should know some russian by this point.
Didn't you notice? Russians are pretty fluent in english, why shouldn't you know our language to know your potential enemy better?

There are some Russian words that are extremely similar to their English translations. Sergeants, generals, and admirals are words that show up in the first two sentences. That alone should cue people in that the translation provided in the captions is false.

"Ooo oooo aaaah ahh banana ook ook ooook *pounds chest*" - Putin

Attached: 0a6 (1).jpg (303x335, 13.77K)

Bump, any translation?
