If this is not a sign, then what is!?

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This is the opposite of happening dude. This just means putin says he can deal with all this

>USSR has alwayss lived under sanction and succeeded
>USSR succeeded

Attached: Screenshot_142.jpg (644x644, 66.56K)

omfg you mssed the most important statement in modern history usa lost

USSR is back lads.

Attached: 082019_bb_primate-head_feat.jpg (1030x580, 58.27K)

USSR wasn’t a corrupt oligarchy tho :DDDDDD

It was only a commie dictatorship like China

>USSR succeeded

Attached: Russia lose, always.png (400x2477, 1.89M)

Proof that old vlad has dementia

it wasnt?
lol how naive are russians anyways?

A few days ago they unironically tried to say that NK is doing fine under sanctions, but even the braindead patriots scratched their heads at that.

Russians will go back to starving in bread lines hahahahahhahahahahah

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>Literally failed in 91

The USSR had a higher daily calorie consumption than the USA per a CIA study

meant to say it was basically the same/more nutritious

What's so beautiful about this?


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sign of cope

>and succeeded
who's gonna tell him


Mfw autarky and hardcore wealth redistribution is the only way Russia can survive the sanctions.

Mfw the Russian Federation is changing its name soon.

Mfw Putin never left the KGB.

Mfw the plan Yuri Bezmenov spoke of didn’t cease after the USSR was dissolved.

Attached: B9FA9B36-3CAC-42AE-BF12-EF8C8D2A6AC1.gif (250x250, 2.85M)

the great copening begins

They infiltrated core Western institutions with commiekikes and took over with a generation. Those same commiekike Soviet spawn are who threw open borders and turned kids into troons. "Success" depends on your metric, and cancer is very good at killing its host.

Russians need to fly to the US and live there for a little to cure their retarded westphilia

He's the Biden of Russia