Question for russia supporters

Putin is a jew, working for jewish interests. Have you ever actually bothered to read about the legal status of "hate speech" in russia? Have you bothered to check out Putin's ancestry (which is jewish)? Have you ever investigated his relationship with russian and international jewry?
Why are you supporting a war where a jewish president sends muslims to bomb White women and children?

Attached: unknown-170.png (2162x1443, 2.04M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Original photo of passport

Attached: putin-passport.png (1024x733, 968.17K)

whats wrong with war

holy shit gas the russians

what arevthe underlined things saying?

The translated version is literally the OP.

ah, finally, the british faggot that is spamming fake docs about Putin being Jewish
they don't call London the European capital of fake news for nothing

Attached: putin.jpg (678x667, 128.01K)


always projecting

Attached: 1646213764360.png (845x814, 1.04M)

So glowniggers have resorted to anti-jew messages to try to make us support Ukraine?

Alright OP. I agree. I hate jews very much. Let's start by removing them all from the west. Then we'll deal with Jewtin. Okay with you?

Thanks, the name shelemova I read can be both Russian or Jewish, can any Russians comment? The passport issuer could have been making a assumption or maybe Putin thought it would be advantageous to be thought of as having Jewish ancestry.

Who’s jewing who?

how do we know its fake? What does that image mean?

Hitler was a Jew as well, yet for some reason he still went against them and killed 6 million Jews. Really makes you wounder if he really was a Jew, or if Jews are just so ville that not even their own kind can stand them.

Projecting? I think you got it the other way around. No one pretends Zelensky isnt jewish. Jewtin, on the other hand, hides his ancestry...

>Putin is a jew, working for jewish interests

Attached: zel4472.png (1265x676, 660.73K)

You are brainwashed by the jews.
The actual jew is Zelensky, but they're trying to flipped it on Putin.
Fucking jewish tricks.

Attached: Putin is a jew fake.png (1536x1320, 1.54M)

Is it raining at gchq today ?

>Putin is a jew,
stopped reading here
classic jewish tactic, when you are losing, accuse your opponent they are what everyone hates

also, I'm looking forward to holocaust, real one this time

In soviet russia,conspiracy makes bullshit stories about you.

77th pls

Mossad working overtime to make sure no one knows the truth. Ahahaha slapping "FAKE" into an image somehow makes it fake.

>What does that image mean?
the british faggot is trying to prove with his MSPaint skills that Putin's mother is Jewish

>how do we know its fake?
have you tried looking at this?
and then comparing to this?

nice try but it's documented that Putin's mother was baptized in orthodox church
try shilling in twitter instead

his mother was baptized christian soon after she was born, regardless of her name and that password

putin has a christian orthodox church in his house

based uruguay fag
i love eating steak from uruguay btw

so jewtin is a jew since his mother is a jew?

Quite cloudy atm. Could go either way.

Look at the signature and the seal.
The seal has white lines because it's boomer trying to photoshop and don't know how to remove them.
The signature is made just by typing his last name with a default cursive font.
I mean mossad guys are not that retarded to publish that, but hohols are.

>Im looking forward to the Holocaust
He clearly isnt.

Attached: Putin1-1024x640.jpg (1024x640, 72.49K)

It's unproductive jew

fake and gay

>Oh no, they know zekenzki is a fellow Jew! What do we do?
>here, make some poorly shooped documents suggesting Putin might be a Jew

Look faggot, I have not ever or will not ever support flippity floppity globohomo puppet state Ukraine. Simple as.