Forbidden american

Bros we did NOT look good in this… he completely dissects edgy ironic racism humour and exposes how politically shallow the alt right is… I feel personally attacked

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They are both jews

why did you post this stock picture of a mutt and a bong?

how will we ever recover?

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It's over bros

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why do they always look a certain way? I really don't want to generalize but idk, there's a type of person that's like this. Which is fine, natsocs are bad and I get it...

Hey tranny, the looks of revulsion. The looks of revulsion. The avoidant eyes. The avoidant eyes. Every single time you go outside.

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Silence, üntermensch.

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There's no "we" you useless fucking cock gobbler
Fuck off back to plebbit.

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It grew the movement
Seeeeeethe kikeoid

>why do they always look a certain way
Who is 'they'? Jews?
Yeah both of them are jewish too

>exposes how politically shallow user shitposters are on a bread basket weaving forum
wow it's almost like 'we' are not a political group at all and are just normal once-working class people who want to remove the evil kikes and be left alone on our land.

>be leftwing retard
>make cope post

Don't forget we're Mongolian user, that's Important info

>I’m a retarded liberal cuck and I have no arguments so I’ll talk like a 15 year old passive aggressive girl

Those are jews

>gay beta jew sed u guys r dum yur done
Oh no.

Do you feel personally attacked because the grifters whose cocks you suck got exposed for being retarded trolls making shitloads of money off people like you?

>seething this hard over shitposters

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with the trucker protest leafs were seen in a new light. And now they've gone back to their old days. Can gook moot IP ban all leafs please?

If you compare it to the other episodes, the gyropers (or whatever hey are called) came off as by far the smartest people he interviewed.

They did some rappers who came across as the most low IQ people on the planet.
One claimed to be in drug rehab but forgot to take off his mic when he went to buy drugs deal so louis had the audio of it.

Is that Andy NGO?


they are both jews. look at them.

there's your fucking answer. also you'll never be an American you fuckface