What is it like for a tranny to have their flesh wound fucked?

What is it like for a tranny to have their flesh wound fucked?

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more pleasurable than you can even imagine chud

Don’t know
Don’t care

I’m the perfect woman because no matter how many times I get cummed in, I won’t get pregnant

Like bags of sand


what is it like for you to have a small white cock and lose all your women to the ecstacy of a real black mans' cock?

Um, amazing. It's a feeling of fullness and pressure. We got it lucky, cause there's even the afterwards feeling of strolling around feeling like you've been fucked.. which is another good feeling, and I'm not talking about the post-orgasm fairyland stuff. You feel empty in a good way. Woaah, I just found out that it's very hard to describe the feeling of being screwed.

Wrap your mouth gently but somewhat tightly around two of your fingers. Slide the fingers in and out. Now, pay attention to how that feels to your mouth, but imagine that your mouth is not only warm and wet but also filled with high-pleasure nerve endings. And that's still probably not even close. It's amazing.

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They lose their sex drive completely because they removed their testes, and so they don't want to have their flesh wound fucked anymore. That's why they kill themselves. The idea doesn't turn them on anymore.

They aren't meant for sexual intercourse. It's more like the feeling of having a vagina so the mentally ill freaks can feel somewhat briefly satisfied before inevitably offing themselves.


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How does being fucked in the suez canal compared to being fucked in the ass, since you have a prostate? How does being fingered in the canal compares now to getting a handjob then?

Beauty in the pain

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I think sex changes are a bad idea, but if they are going to do it, I wonder if there is a way they can keep the testes and just stuff it in there, or make it a part of the 'vulva'...

- mad sceince!

gender reveal : absolute clown

manmade horrors beyond my comprehention, how nice

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100% pure cope, ywnbaw.

What a pointless ability, seeing as you will never get to make use of it. You will never be a woman.

You will never be a real woman

that's because your wound is a necrotic shit filled hole

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The point of being a woman is that you can have children, faggot. Of course your dopamine fried brain can't understand such a thing.

you will still, never be a real woman

> Burst

what the actual fuck

Based. Can I fuck your hole?

you're not trans if you haven't bursted open a few times

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If trannies go post-op they should keep the balls, trannies would be more interesting to look at if they were "hermaphrodites"