Balls still humongous? Good

Balls still humongous? Good.

Attached: 1tkc1yacxqm81[1].jpg (1084x1128, 70.09K)

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It takes balls of steel to hide in a bunker and brainwash retards to die for you to keep your power

big chungus


Attached: UkrZeli.png (462x630, 223.96K)

but if zelensky is taken out then it's over and less innocents have to die

> 2. Check on Zelensky

Don't worry, he's still a puppet

Attached: Zelensky.png (702x423, 530.08K)

You literally described Putin, user.

>describe every single "leader" from modern history
>its heckin pooterino!


Zelensky is a god among men as this absolutely awesome fan art shows

Attached: 29E34150-B960-4318-B484-4269461C1328.jpg (640x589, 60.02K)

Trumps nickname was bunker bitch

>even the faggot zelensky is more manly than the average modern leader, including the weakling monkey
the absolute state
look at this beta

Attached: 1646905619713.jpg (740x416, 57.78K)

No booster shot on the list? Tisk tisk.

>Zelensky is a god among men as this absolutely awesome fan art shows

>Murican "culture" bow to the Jew.

Absolute state of Murica.

Attached: 16459866972300.jpg (600x597, 46.04K)

Kill putin

>wake up, check on Zelensky, coffee
Is he sleeping with the Jew? Why is he waking up next to a Jew?

why are you not fighting for russia on the front?

When does your internet get cut off? Can’t happen soon enough

Testicular cancer?

That faggot isnt even in the country. Stop being gullible.

>wake up
>virtue signal
>virtue signal some more
>virtue signal
>go to bed
>it's New Year's eve

Attached: Dutch.jpg (1007x688, 75.5K)

Wish they would have drawn him in his green army man tee shirt. SOOO much cuter.

Only amongst faggot lefties like you haha.

>the zelensky strategy
I bet Putin is literally shaking now!

Attached: ZelenskyRightNow.jpg (468x339, 29.12K)

You should charge Trump rent for living in your head 24/7. Or maybe grow up?

Attached: BidenAmericaIsBack.jpg (1080x1155, 170.65K)

Imagine how bad this Ukraine situation would be if Biden wasn’t president. Inflation would be astronomical instead of the 7.9% it currently is at