A new test of whiteness has dropped

A new test of whiteness has dropped.

Attached: IMG_20220311_130038.jpg (1280x1065, 159.83K)

>Dreaming about lice

what the fuck kind of country

I generally dream that I'm being tortured

>half of Europe is afraid of pregnancy

Kek no wonder.

>no pps
Its over


Greek anons, wtf are you dreaming about hats?

Based Ethiopia

I never had any of those dreams

Attached: 25sxdf.gif (640x360, 2.06M)

i've definitely had the teeth falling out dream. I can still feel the teeth rolling around in my mouth and the blood oozing out, it was so visceral

>expensive dental
the most expensive RCT costs less than USD 100 in India.
>being taken for a ride and calling it a sign of superiority.
I call it a sign of stupidity.

t. 2 RCTs in 30 years of life, might get a 3rd one later this year.

I generally have plseant dreams, what the fuck is wrong with you people


What being landlocked does to a mf

Jews wear hats

>British heritage
>Teeth falling out

Yeah, it checks out

In China, snakes have nightmare dreams of the Chinese eating them.


Based Albania

Attached: iuqkfarcrwt51.jpg (828x800, 81.99K)

kek what?

>teeth falling out
What the fuck.

Thats your wake time and its real

>Greece: hat
>ethiopia: shoe
You Orthodox fucks are weird.

Last night my teeth fell out like
Ivory typewriter keys
And all the monuments and skyscrapers burned down and filled the sea

Most humans fear the reptilian overlords.

>mali and nigger
>the death

I dont feel so good bros