Everyone literally will have AIDS.... Cool. Were all fags now?


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Unvaxxed chads who have made it through the pressure, report in right now

feels fucking good man

we won

I wonder why

You won? We'll see about that. Get ready for more waves, more vaccination requirements, more passports, more mask mandates.
This isn't over. It never will be.

I never got vaxxed, I hate vaccines

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Was never gonna take it. No matter what. Death would have been easier than bowing to the vax.

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untested and unjabbed, gonna be awful lonely

Take your pick

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reporting in

Reporting in

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reporting, wasn't so hard as long as you have functioning testicles and a spine.

Wasn't that difficult considering we never leave our houses to begin with.

Surely not the mild, healthy cases of myocarditis and pericarditis caused by the vax

We adjusted to the pressure, and created a lifestyle where interaction with the authorities is reduced to the minimum. They can't apply more pressure than what they already did.

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Reporting In fuck jannies

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I sincerely worry that those who took the jew vaxx voluntarily are NGMI when the anti-christ emerges

Reporting in

o nooo i cant be a mindless consumerist without muh vaxxpass??? noooo guess i'll have to keep on NEETing, aw shucks mang

Unvaxxed here.

I even got covid. Had it for 2-3 weeks without even realizing it. Just felt progressively more and more out of breath. When it finally dawned on me that it might be covid I took some ivermectin and it cleared the same night.

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I sincerely hope*

also, everybody who took the vaxx took it voluntarily
>but muh jooob
dont care, not an excuse.

Coercion isn't voluntary and by repeating lies like this you do globohomo's propaganda job for them.

Whoops sorry chuds! The news is talking about Ukraine instead :)

pressure? nah. i enjoyed smiling at people who clearly could see i wasn't obeying like they were. it's just like thinking "nigger" while looking at blacks.

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Strong will.

Strong heart.

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reporting in



Unvaxxed and untested.
It was easy, even though every step of the way watching family gleefully accept experimental AIDS was painful.

Not true. There's literally reportsml/footage of them going door to door jabbing poor people in India and other places. The kikes deliberately kept that out of the media though with mUh aUsTrAiLiA and mUh CaNaDa.

no, they got it voluntarily. if they chose their job or muh newest marvel capeshit over their health and freedom, they deserve to get vax AIDS
no refunds for spineless faggots

me and my mom are the inly people I know that haven't been vaxxed. feel proud of her

yes, but i'm talking about the west. i'm not trying to sweet talk their coercion, but fuck the spineless cucks who bent the knee.

good thing i didn't trust jewish lies

I am here and still shitting in the face of the state and vaxxtards because I never jabbed, never tested, never stopped working, drank with frens in illegal bars and bent over anyone who dared oppose me, and viscid manipulators/NPCs trained around harm avoidance ALWAYS bend.

Yeah my immuno
isn’t compromised
When I’m at home
I’m not gonna die

Never get the shot yeah
Never get the shot

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Unvaxxed, untested bong reporting in all fine whilst my jabbed and boosted grandfather is going through novid hell lmao.

The jab is the disease and so are the tests. Been around several pos tested people with zero ill effects.

Had nurse friends show me the fucking nanoworms on the test kits. Not some fake Internet bs this came directly from their hospital and their phones.

I can detect 80+ unregistered unbranded Bluetooth devices in any populated centre or supermarket.

Had what (((they))) would call covid like once but really was just a bad flu. Put me on my arse for like a day then I was able to do everything again.

The jab is actively killing people, this isn't some schizopol two more weeks thing, you'll just never hear it reported as they won't list the vaccine as a cause. It's all "natural causes".

Believe me or not, but I can tell you this is only the beginning of something far more sinister. You thought a chink flu with a tiny fatality rate was gonna be "the happening" didn't you?

Get ready for some ebolapox bullshit from the Ukraine biolabs. Bill Gates's clone already said "there'll be another pandemic".

I have no hate towards the jabbies. I don't wish them death. I just wish they knew what they were putting in their bodies.

Shit's fucked and this is only the start. This is the time to band together, form communities and unify before it's too late.

There's something going on like that with my gs on the Isle of Wight as we speak.

Look up @we_are_here_iow

My 17 y/o friend had heart attack after his gf left him.
It was 6 years ago.

>meth binge

reporting in. heart's healthier than it's been in years

my spine is pretty fucked but still didn't take it