Why do Indians

Seem so advanced when learning about their history, whether it be cultural, political, or martial. Yet when you see modern Indians they seem dumb as bricks. Were they always like this or did british rule lower their iq?

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Yeah, how could they fall from grace so much?

There was a caste system for a reason.

Malnutrition and poor diet
Our IQ isn't 82 average because a majority of people were poor while growing up and are stunted in one way or other.
The young urban Indians now are leading much better lives with much superior nutrition levels that should increase our average IQ levels soon


Abrahamic religions

Is it possible globohomo subverted them before moving on to us?

Everything you said about India could be said about Europe now.

Smart Pajeets carried the dumb pajeets. It's still true in the modern time.

Vegetarianism is what lowered their iQ

1000s of years of racemixing

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They are getting heavily influenced by American culture aka Nigger culture

Lmao stfu cultureless wigger


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pajeet iq everyone


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The linguistic and genetic evidence to support the proto indo european theory is pretty overwhelming.

This photo isn't completely accurate. Blonde hair and blue eyes might have entered into kashmir through an early Eastern Hunter Gatherer migration

I think the caste system fucked them over, I don't know a lot about Hinduism but wasn't the modern caste system a relative new thing that was inspire by an ancient text and the text wasn't as rigorous or something like that?

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The Hindu can't stand the idea of pre-Vedic cultures existing. Even thought we have literal mountains of evidence before they stopped letting archaeogenetics excavate... would be a shame for Hindu nationals if they weren't even native to India kek. Good luck fighting over Austronesia

Not us, our cousins who moved East from the Pontic-Caspian steppe instead of West. The PIEs aren't native to India or Western/Central Europe. Both areas were conquered by them.

Aryans were brown men who fucked blonde EEF women after genociding their twink males.
Europe is a rapebaby race

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Interesting detail about the 'ninety and nine'. We see a reference to this number across a number of religions and civilizations.

>indian history

you are not fooling anyone with your larping, rajesh

india was and always remain barbaric frontier. they had retarded wife burning ritual, bury newborn daughters, gang rape, cow urine drinking and dung eating culture for millennia.

they only stopped publicly doing it after white conquerors taught them otherwise but they still do all the subhuman shit secretly.

You whites will never get it, will you?

This board claims to hate the kike system, but so vehemently utilises with every opportunity. Who created the IQ system? Who defines intellect in modern day standards? What makes someone "smart"? How well they integrate into the current satanic system that rewards greed, lust and non righteous behaviour? Think for one second and expand your horizons you stupid Jew bootlicking faggot for fuck sakes.