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wow nice one albania

whole food hamburgers arent unhealthy in low quantities stupid ass shitskin

what does "whole food" even mean?

excuse him for mutt education fellas
whole food == not processed goyslop

I hate the antichrist as much as the next guy... but a burger from five guys....

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It means more than than 50% of the food was actually grown "naturally" out of dirt

Cope. Unhealthy is unhealthy even in small quantities

And koshari is healthy? That's like 5 different carbs.

You can’t get real cheese in the US.
That’s fucked up.

the 21st century obsession with health is so fucking tiring. Everybody inspects the chemical properties like a doctor before eating or drinking anything. No wonder zoomers are incels when they think one glass of whiskey will kill them because "the studies" and WHO said so

me wan goyslop

Never drinking the alcohol poison cope more I will break down to your satanic agenda
Koshary is healthy, carbs are healthy. The nutrijews fooled you. Carbs are healthy as long as it's in balance with other macros

Hamburger, as well, as pizza is the most disgusting excuse for food the world has ever invented. It's literally energy food for reddit posters.

God, I hate Americans

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I never tried Five Guys, we don't have this borgar chain.
Is it good?

I have this image saved on my phone next to pic related, so it's synonymous with the term "goyslop" for me.

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That it’s an actual food item and not a processed nightmare

Examples: eggs, steak, rosemary, potato, garlic, butter, tuna, olive oil, apple

Not whole food: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Campbell’s Chunky Soup, Doritos, Lean Cuisine, Beyond Burger, ramen

Why deal with all the processing? We should just eat dirt

It's definitely an upgrade over McDonald's. Five Guys is like getting a burger from a proper restaurant

what about French Toast Crunch

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One of the worst things you could eat. Breakfast cereal is a scam

If you must have it and you add milk, make sure it’s not “low fat” and whole instead from grass-fed, healthy cows.