Who is the most important, influential political philosopher alive? Who has the most impact from a living man?

Who is the most important, influential political philosopher alive? Who has the most impact from a living man?

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Nick Land but he's not influential to anyone outside the internet. Yarvin is much larger even if people don't know his name, they know his stuff

Vaush or maybe Destiny, but probably Vaush.
Hasan is on the rise, doe... Give him some years...

Doreen Ford



What's your point? Racism as the focal point of your political theory will crash and burn as it did in the 20th century. Do you have anything that would refute the recent history of the 20th century?

Thomas Sowell
>Edgar Cayce, but he was more spiritual

Specifically alive, otherwise it would be Heidegger

Reminder Dugin is a faggot who believes in a post gender future.
"Russia's only saving grace is the fact we are not a white nation" -Dugin

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Kek its true. Moldbug got on Tucker and he was the one that first used red/bluepill outside of the Matrix

The history of the second half of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st have done nothing but prove the axis was right

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I can't find any of these on twitch, are these their real handles or just nicknames?

You shills fart this out every time Dugin is brought up with nothing but an out of context meme to bring up that he was talking specifically about that globohomo is a one way street that leads to death in any system. He's just against a unipolar global politic. What's your argument against that?

>“I am a supporter of blacks. White civilization; their cultural values, false, dehumanizing model of the world, built by them — did not pay off. Everything goes to the beginning of the anti-white pogroms on a planetary scale. Russia saved only by the fact that we are not pure white…So I am for reds, yellows, greens, blacks — but not for whites. I wholeheartedly am on the side of the people of Zimbabwe.”

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This is CIA code shit that you don't need to know about. Adults are talking

what ever you say faggot

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You guys think you're helping the world, the nation, something. I don't think you guys believe in anything. Any federal agent that I personally know and grew up with is a nihilist. Fuck you.

Your Dasein is fucked buddy

This guy doesn't read books and can't be bothered to. It's okay, books are hard.

refuted by both Olavo de Carvalho and Charles Upton

>muh enlightened intellectual opinions on anal sex are above you

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We've already passed the high water mark of anti-racism, in the process of doing so crashing the last remnants of Christian morality (in secularized form, progressivism) with no survivors, which was the entire emotive force behind it. Social justice will presumably limp on for some time as a bureaucratic priority of globohomo but its soul is gone

He has a really good point, you CANNOT instill an ideology across a globe that is multiculti. They need to be left alone. The US needs to stop trying to psyop Russia, India, China, or we're all fucked. Dugin is right on that. 100%. Him calling it "racist" to force ideas on local cultures is 100% correct. You fags are so retarded that it literally just comes down to impregnating white women, and you don't read theory at all. Or get laid. Read a book, idiot

Dugin is always talking about muh Guenon and muh Evola
let's remind him what they have to say about Russia:
>"As for the Russians, it is better not to talk about their intellectual capabilities."
Rene Guenon "East and West"

>"The Slavs have never had a tradition."
Julius Evola "Pagan Imperialism"

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Christians can live in Christian countries, and Muslims shouldn't live here or have to complain about Christian values.

daaaaamn bro he got on tucker? woaw!!!

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Jordan Peterson

Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Ted K, Thomas Sowell.

He criticizes both of them heavily.

Jesus the Christ.

Has anybody read this?

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Shut up chink, stop fucking up my day to day with your backwards bullshit. I should never have to think about Russians. Take care of your own fucking land retard


just snippets of it as essays
didn't realize he wrote a whole book on it

no he doesn't, he name drops them 24/7

There are still Zoroastrians around, religions can keep going for a long time, but Christian morality guiding American (and by extension world) civilization? SJWism was the last gasp of real religious fervor for it

Have you actually read 4th political theory? I did it in two days while arguing with my roommate the whole time.

Sv3rige unironically.

You literally agree with dugin

Philosophers are not influential. They're ancient e-celebs.

>Vaush or maybe Destiny, but probably Vaush.
>Hasan is on the rise, doe... Give him some years...

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Alaways the same (((shit))).

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Yeah I kind of thought this about you guys. You'd be too busy being whore-fucking degenerates to even care that western porn media got taken out of your country. Who cares? Make some krokodil. Your populace is just as degenerate and fucked up as ours is, and not having porn isn't going to stop you from fucking underage hookers.

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Nick Land is fascinating. The CCRU stuff is crazy.
I don't know of any other modern thinker like him.


What, there's no jews in brazil? No degeneracy in the golden state of fucking Brazil?

based Nick Land (pbuh) appreciator

Rasputin v.2

I'm also very racist

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Oh cool they translated Heidegger to lithuanian now you guys can catch up and have opinions, fuck you

Fuck you nigger

You just posted him

why are you seething so hard?
dugin is a pseud

russian civilization is a total meme and just suffers from an inferiority complex because America lives rent free in is pea brain


seethe more pseud
dugin blows

I don't speak Russian.

No good points just JEW JEW JEW
No good arguing in bad faith with you buddy, but just so you know, I impregnated a ton of your women back in the early 2000s and you're never gonna turn the time back on that, fucking asshole. Your bloodline is wrecked from my COOM

you're a total pseud lmao
you cannot even coherently argue any of his ideas
