I love this new world

I love this new world.

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nice source URL

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There's only one thing to do

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did you just wake up faggot?


when will putin nuke fb hq?

precision strike missile on its way

ya i love retards spamming other retards retard takes on retard shit perpetually. future looks bright thanks for the thought provoking discussion

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Not anymore. Time for Lucifer to put that faggot lover Jesus....to EARTH

who is this fag and why are you on twitter
>the spectator index
get a hobby my dude. you might be less of a fag.

Omg no...!!! bloodline weak

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Friends, the time has come to dogwhistle "Russians"
The same way we did "joggers," "brandon," and "in minecraft"

>I love this new world.

Not sure how this makes any difference to you considering you are a hired iPhone shill cockroach and can spam any platform without any worries anyway because your master protects you from any threat of cancellation.

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I just can't even process the logic here. When I saw that news story I thought it was a joke. But nope.

Honk Honk isn't even a meme anymore. This is our new reality. Fucking Mouth of Madness had it right.

If social media dissolved the world would be much better off

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>We STILL (yet ?) won't allow
This is insanity unleashed.

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Those fucking kike Russian leaders I hope they die in a chemical gas attack along with their Russian nigger soldiers.

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And just like that, suddenly Any Forums no longer things violence is the answer
t. contrarians

please be at least 100kton

Oh, no!
Are they gonna use MEAN WORDS against Russians?!
Are they gonna throw around EMPTY THREATS?!
I guess this time it's really over for Putin!

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Finally I agree with Facebook just this once

you are the dumbest faggot I have ever seen

Now you're getting it!

yeah, he should have provided the source but this is real, it greeted me in the front page of hungarian leftist media this morning.

What's with the obsession of Social Media? Use the fucking source.