Why do women in power make Any Forums seethe so much?

Why do women in power make Any Forums seethe so much?

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I'm as scared of women in power as I am of toddlers with guns.

>in power
all this tranny does is crack off laughing whenever he's asked a question

No I just cringe.

Everyone in power are there because they crave power... These kind of people aren't good. Regardless of sex

Women are strong.

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>this is a black woman in Murica

Women are fucking retarded. I’ve never met a functional one. They’re always vapid and vessels for histrionic bitching. They take things personal and process things on an emotional level. Name one fucking famous female general or empire builder. Name one fucking woman that built a grand monument that still exists today. Name one female prophet that created a religion practiced by billions throughout history. You can’t. There’s a reason they call it HIStory non HERstory.

I’m considered white and I’m about as black as Kamala

All women in power are anti-White. Feminism is Jewish and anti-White.

Keep seething. And you wonder why you single. Maybe learn to respect a girl and she will give you her time

The subsequent disasters

Spoken like a true nigger

If chimps were in govt, we would be seething too. Some species are too stupid to rule

Show flaps, ho

Are they ever not scandalously incompetent lying commies?

Women politicians aren’t event especially seethed over. Faggots like you make this white knight bait, so you can get called a cuck and get a rise out of people who otherwise don’t care.

Because women leaders have a habit of turning wherever they're in charge of into dirty dangerous shitholes.

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It doesnt take much to hate incompetency while they sit there and mock your inability to do anything about it for 3 more years without throwing your life away to grant you the ability to do something about it.

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user hasn't met many women

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Sure he has. You're a sub-species, toots. Cope and menstruate

women are for fucking. not leading.


It is so rare to see a woman in power that knows what they are doing. Harris is a great example of the stupidest fuck ever. Dumb can't get any dumber. And she thinks she is very smart. That's nigger smart for you. Dumb..

Women don't operate on intellect, only their fleeting feelings

Found the fat roastie

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