Why are Russians slaves?

Why is it that every single Russian government since 1000 AD is basically just a violent sociopath wrangling a bunch of serf ranchers? Why didn't Russians develop a societal sense of human rights or freedom like other Whites?

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Was that before you killed of the natives americans and enslaved the blacks or after?

Mutt calling anyone a slave I am laughing

>basically just a violent sociopath wrangling a bunch of serf ranchers
what makes you think it's different in the west?

>Why didn't Russians develop a societal sense of human rights or freedom like other Whites?
>like other Whites?

>you're a slave!!!!
lmao the fucking irony

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Americans conquered.
Russians got conquered.

>Americans got conquered
>Russians got conquered

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It's just the common Asian mentality.

You can joke but in the West, sociopaths go to work and provide for society with their greed as a motive. Greed fuels innovation.
In Russia, Russians just sit on each other and do as little work as possible while juicing everyone below them for every ruble that comes out.

Everyone gets conquered but the 20th century in particular was very good to Western Europeans. I think this is in part due to a more adventurous nature.

Slavs really want to be left alone and stick to themselves more than Western Eupreans.

I can own a house, cars, guns, and drive anywhere I want.
The majority of Russians live in a dilapidation concrete box and take Soviet era transit

It used to be this way until the 80’s. Now sociopaths just flip markets with exploitative algorithms.


>I can own a house, cars, guns, and drive anywhere I want
not anymore kek

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Slavs can be left alone as long as they don't subject us to their third world mentality
You can still come out on top if you invest

Not vaxxed and Russia had mandatory vaccines for their gay sputnik

You should post from a memeflag next time. Russian shills' favorite tactic is deflection.

>i can buy shit so i must be free
you're free to do anything they want you to do

What can Russians do that Americans can't?

It's not an argument about who enjoys more freedom, the point is you're equally enslaved, just the method differs. The only free people on this planet are the ones without government

>spills his typical Pollack tactic

No we are fucking not equally enslaved, Russians literally live paycheck to paycheck to afford bread and if you criticize Putin publically you get jailed, now you can't even say the word "war" in Russia without being fined or imprisoned.

which is it you subhuman? are you on the german nazi side or the russian side??? MAKE UP YOUR MIND YOU JEW!

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Everyone is a slave to something. It might as well be your nation. You’ll have something in common with everyone you meet.

Russians live in a constant state of misery

Like i said, you're free to to whatever your masters want you to do, it's the same in russia.
>be anti putin
>go to jail
>life ruined
your alternative is:
>be anti globohomo/ anti capitalist
>get cancelled / career and social relationships in shambles
>life ruined
you can tell yourself that you're free all you want, but at the end of the day you'll only be able to do the things that benefit your masters agenda.
Freedom isn't connected to quality of life, it's the one essential thing westerners don't understand. A golden cage is still a cage.

They're gook Euro hybrids

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Bakunin and the like were literally pioneers in anarchism.

The Tsardom is modeled off the Mongol Empire