Every previous generation fell for the war meme

>every previous generation fell for the war meme
>zoomers broke thsi and don't care about war
Why does /polt hate zoomers? your generation x and y are the ones fighting these wars.

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wonder if i should get a heart transplant

Yeah, instead they care about gay sex and injecting estrogen into themselves try to turn into what could resemble a woman at first glance

Why juice? He looks a bit bigger than natural, doesn't look bad but taking years off your life for this? Makes no sense.

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Better question is why juice just to dress like that.

>Why juice?
because he wants to look FUARKING JUICY

Attached: zyzz-fistpump.gif (220x220, 892.18K)

Can I look like this without shrinking my balls?

the globohomo effect. No borders and all that shit

He's a power bottom

You want to live till your 80s or 90s as an old weak man?
Live in the peak years.

Attached: 1646932443067.jpg (1125x1388, 429.23K)

Harding doesn't even look that big in person. He is both shorter and smaller than he makes himself look IRL. When I first saw him I did a triple take because only the face looked similar. He's on a shitton of gear too, more than he needs to be, just to look kinda big. He's also kind of a gigantic faggot in general, personality-wise.
>source: he worked out in my gym

Because of vanity and insecurity. Young people who think they’re exempt from consequences never think side effects will happen to them because they’re the center of their own universe.

Any guy who wears tight pants is a fucking faggot. Especially when its tight around the ankles. That shit is fucking cringe. I don't give a fuck how swole you are. I will run full speed and kick you in the fucking chest with my steel heeled boots and fucking kill your ass.

You want to be clinging onto life with enlarged organs and fucked adrenal glands as your body struggles to keep you alive in your 30s and 40s? Doesn’t sound bad but until you suddenly realize you’re out of rope to hang onto and you’ll be singing a different song.

this look is peak homosexual.

no it's SEXCORE

The reason zoomers don't care about it is cause they're locked in to ccp propaganda via tik tok. Not saying they're not right not to care about it, but their reason for not caring in no way redeems their generation.

That shirt and pants look violently uncomfortable to wear

Do you think that he could get his pants any tighter?

Dead at 21 is maximum juice

>head permanently tilted forward looking down at his phone
>attention span of a goldfish
>calls himself an influencer
At least he's got muscles

sex with other men maybe

What will zoomers do when they realize they are not kids anymore and their parents kick them out? None of them seem to be able to function in the real world.

They either can't get jobs, or quit their jobs at the first obstacle.

He looks like a homosexual faggot in both photos.

>coping this much

sexually dominated another man is peak masculinity

I hope the US gets into a war with Russia and zoomers get drafted. I'll laugh at every one of them that comes home in a box. I hope there are millions.

That is extremely fucking gay

The guy in the picture takes huge amounts of dbol. He had a hot girlfriend but because of his diet he had no sex drive to please her and she left him.

Because war is literally the highest calling for a man. A man who is not a warrior is not a man.

Zoomers are too fat and retarded to fight wars