The dissident right are textbook examples of demoralization

What most of Any Forums doesn't understand in that Yuri video is that he's talking about (YOU). He doesn't just mean the far leftist antifa types, he means people on the dissident right as well who are equally anti Western as any Antifa member.

Any Forums is identical to the far left in terms of foreign policy. The logic is the same.
>Pro America = bad
>Anti America = good
>The West is so degenerate and evil we need to take this system down!

That's why you have unironic pro China / pro Russia / pro Iran / threads and so forth. The only difference is the far leftists hate America because they want communism, the far rightists hate America because they want fascism, both are just demoralized idiots undermining the West from within.

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You have to understand that the people who spend a lot of time here are either shills or losers who don't have much to lose. Either of these groups don't mind being subverted or destroying their countries.

fuck, misread
you're right

This is true, but this does apply to certain groups of normies as well.
One of the biggest demoralized normie groups are actually boomers who are distrustful of the Western MSM. They have no problem believing RT news though because it seems like an edgy alternative, and that makes them think they're getting the 'real story', when in reality it's just a different flavor of propaganda.

Yeah he's right, enyone who actually cares know, the neo-liberal empire and the "Eastern Empire" are both terrible

Then who are the demoralized people who go around amputating the dicks and tits of teenagers and young adults?

I'm a libertarian. I state things as they are. This is the fault of NATO for expanding which they were not supposed to and for excluding Russia (a ww2 ally, cold war hostilities were nothing) from NATO and Ukraine was the last straw.

wtf I love nato expansion, color revolutions and trannies now


хyй cocи гyбoй тpяcи мyдoзвoн

Why even bother with ukraine when latvia and estonia are already in nato and there is literal highway from riga and talin to moscow, plus if NATO wanted to attach those countries are way better strategically. You are just retarded

I just want to see my politicians hang. I don't care for who does the hanging. As long as those traitors hang.

America made Russia its enemy, not the other way around.

It's funny how the meme flag shills disappeared and suddenly we were inundated with a bunch of burgers who suddenly decided putin was based. Now the memeflags are back and accusing us of being on team putin, while the left still waves the flag of the USSR.

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>hey we are going to genocide you but if you support our downfall you are demoralized
damn you got us good

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I meant to write "attack" not "attach" clearly, I am in fact also retarded

wtf I support globohomo now! Send me my estrogen and dilation kit stat!

I’d disagree to an extent. I think this was an unintended consequence of the engineering. I think they were hoping for far more to hop on to the bandwagon of communism instead the people they’d need the most if the USA got Ukraine’d are now vehemently anti not only communism but the current system. By sbd large though I think they want a return to a government looking more like the founding (a near non existent one) and not fascism

Putin's war has been the biggest gift to NATO in years. There hasn't been this much unity with NATO since the cold war days.

Before this, NATO was withering away, remember how orange man kept complaining about European countries not paying their dues? Well now that's all changed and even Germany is rearming and Sweden and Finland are unironically talking about wanting to join NATO. Not to say that NATO doesn't have problems still because it clearly does, but less than two weeks ago without question.

And now Russia is completely fucked for decades to come from this unwinnable lebensraum attempt.

Hey memeflag faggot. No matter how many times you CIA shills make this nigger thread. the answer is always the same.
YOU fed us with CRT, faggot, and lefty propaganda for the past 30 years. YOU are reaping what you sow. Eat shit and die.

Not all of these things are as interconnected as Any Forums says.
For example, supporting NATO and opposing adversaries like Russia and China has nothing to do with 'drag queen story hour', as much as people here try to link the two.

The left wing is the enemy of the white race.

Russia is not your enemy

>ignores all mentions of Globohomo
>NATO pushes globohomo agenda
>blames Russians for pushing people away from supporting our govt
LOL you glowniggers couldn't be more plain

Don't preach to me about western civilization. The dystopia I am living in is the end result of western civilization. No thank you. Failed experiment. Start over.

>opposing adversaries like Russia and China
You mean fighting for Wall Street and jewish bankers interests, the same people who push mass migration down our throats? No thanks.

>Let Russia dominate all of European energy
>Let Russia steamroll your alliances and weaken the US hegemony's umbrella in Europe
>Let Russia and China collaborate together to undermine the USD
>Just let China annex Taiwan

If the USD stops being world reserve then your quality of life will directly go down, as will everyone else living in the US. That's one big reason to maintain the hegemony. Unless you want to live in a 2nd world Brazillified nation.

do feds intentionally higher people with the lowest IQ possible? im serious is this on purpose?

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Oh look, a retarded horseshoe theory take. Good job

>NATO pushes globohomo agenda
Explain specifically how being in a defensive alliance that prevents Russia invading countries next door is 'pushing globohomo'.
The phrase 'globohomo' is intentionally vauge and retarded, it's a 2 dimensional way of viewing geopolitics.

Why should I view Russia as bad and the West as the good?

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Half the people here think ted was right about everything. Do you even know where you are?


>defensive alliance
Were you born retarded or something?

how many times are you going to post this retarded take? shut the fuck up glownigger

Yuri is a CIA asset.

People are demoralized because the quality of life in the west went down the toilet in a generation. Probably the fastest fucking collapse in recorded history, sped up by modern technology.

It doesn’t have to be Russia AND China.
We could have driven a wedge between them and China by not being antagonistic towards them, but our elites refused. America doesn’t need Ukraine, but we stuck our noses there because career politicians have interests there.

Why use a memeflag to deliver your "arguments"?

NAOT is an alliance of governments under a jewish world order. If you don't support fag rights, trannies, niggers in white countries, the devaluation of your currency and degeneration then you ain't in the West. 2014 we pulled a crypto coup in Ukraine installing a pro western Jew (read Pro NATO) and you mean to tell me that the CIA and other bullshit 3 letters WEREN'T part of that? LOL

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No nigger kike
You subverted your own right, left and every single political option that exists.
You destroyed what was a good country with good ideals and imported a shit ton of shitskins.
People who built USA to its greatness are second class citizens and everything is going to shit because societal hierarchy changed.
During the cold war, I'd never want to endure communist shithole that was Soviet Union, and I would be pro west.
Now when I went to whole europe, usa and russia, I know who is closer to that cold war west, and it's not you subverted niggers.

If you think there is any resistance to globohomo on a national level, you are subverted

No, you nigger. The whole purpose of Active Measures was to degenerate America to the point that it would be unable to defend it's own social and cultural institutions in advance of a Soviet takeover. The process of degeneration and demoralization is ongoing even though the people that put it in place are basically gone, and the process is ongoing without any kind of specific leadership. As a result, the basic foundation of Western civilization has been degraded to the point that our civilization basically doesn't exist anymore.

>he means people on the dissident right as well who are equally anti Western as any Antifa member.
I defend the basic principles of European Civilization, basic principles that don't exist in any meaningful way anymore within the mainstream. In your ignorance, you immediately assume that defence of the status quo-(which replaced the actual values of our civilization) is being patriotic and defending western values. semitism, and all the gay shit, trannie shit, feminism, niggerlivesmatter aren't western values, they are the cancer that has taken over the space of the values that they killed.

So I'll ask you this: What is left that is worth defending?

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He means the government retard.

If the Left, Establishment, Elites, Globalists, reddit, Congress, Soros, Big Tech, Rothschilds, normies, PedoWood, corporations, EU, Globohomo, Democrats, Military Industrial Complex, World Economic Forum, MSM, cultural institutions, NeoCons, Trudeau, social media, boomers, NATO, and literally every single other tentacle of the NWO that controls WESTERN civilization; all side with Ukraine

Then I know what the truth really is

Dilate NeoMarxist globalist NWO!

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Im not from America so i get to choose what influence is best for my country.
I choose Germania, and everyone who opposes this vision is an enemy.

That meme was created by a Leftie, redditor, discord, trannie, fed shill

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