Dating, and a new breed of fashy chicks

i am not gonna say which website i seem find them on, But. Recently i have noticed more and more women seem to be coming forward with "fashy" or at least nationalist views. when i say recently i mean the last 5 months.

>sounds based my dude.
not really, it seems to be the "new word" amongst a certain type of women to demand:
6 figure salaries
fast cars
a house all bought and paid for
but also with alot of free time
6ft 3+
"looking for my king, if it’s not you don’t bother and it’s probably not you anyway,
Don’t date a dime if you can’t handle a dime stick to rocks, etc etc"
conservative or "other" in political views bios along with pretty spicey memes in thier profile pics but when you press them in DMs they seem to come out and say they have nationalist views.

The weirdest thing i have also found is they tend to look like pic related.
often in areas where you wouldn't imagine such a belief kicking off places like Essex, London, jersey etc. all in all pretty trashy neighborhoods.
When i started to prey into their political beliefs stating such things that social media was a mistake or women should be in the home and so on they all of sudden seem stand offish
>well whos to say it means that?!/no you can still use social media in a nationalist state/well women will always need to be influencers of the cause
Shutting down
>i dont understand/ i am confused/ changing the subject
or even just plain unmatching.
>STFU *unmatched*
they also seem to be very lazy
has anyone else experienced anything else like this?
can you explain why they have started thinking this?
tl;dr women on certain dating sites have 2+2 together and made 13 have you also noticed this?

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Honestly i would find right wing beliefs in a woman repellent women are supposed to be empathetic and caring towards everyone.

gross. imagine having to split that hog. fuck that. i'd rather shave my cock off one slice at a time.

>have you also noticed this?
I'm gay.

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No Bitches?

I bet she's got a stinky ass

>women are supposed to be empathetic and caring towards everyone.
no they are not?
maybe towards babies and animals but not to grown men.

You guys are never happy with anything
Complaining 24/7 about women and how they ruin the west but when they are right-wing it‘s bad too

yes they are dumdum. Women are supposed to be empathetic and caring for others full of goodness and hope not talking about ethnic cleansing, racial purity and what not.

>Women are supposed to be empathetic and caring for others
i hate to be the one to tell you this but they arent.

>i'd rather shave my cock off one slice at a time.
Of course you would mutt.

Men are also empathetic, we're just able to remain stoic. Some women are, and those are the ones you call repellent, however, it's a quality.

>Noooo how come there are stupid thots on a stupid thot whore app?
Have you tried church?

You could just buy a Tesla

Its all fake tho

Finishing what the doctor started?

Yo it's a trap to catfish based dudes. I have seen them discuss this somewhere. They catfish based dudes and then dox and cancel them. I think it was antifa chicks bragging about this. I totally forgot where I saw it now. I think it was around the blm rioting times.

in some places in britain this is considered a 11/10. i know america has a similar thing like in jersy shore i forget the rest but as you can see, its defaintly a real "look"
thats pretty gay
women are bitches bro
given my experience with them 1st hand they are very cold to the touch on the basis they will stand outside a club for hours waiting to get in. maybe thats where your getting that vibe from?
ignore that faggot hanz. my arugement is, i dont think they are right wing, nor do they understand what "right wing" means?
that is the very bedrock of where used up whores go. they put on a little dress do a little act and embrace a new community with a "Testimony of how they found god" involving drugs, whoring, race mixing, killing, aborting, cheating as well as anything only a deity could forgive.

user, i

ikr probably takes big shits too.

What a fat nasty bitch. Notice she has to tighten her shirt around her waist so no one thinks she's a complete hog. Fuck the kardashians for making this "beauty" trend popular.

see this is what i thought it was as well user and forgive me if i am overthinking this but throughout all of these conversations i am never really revealing my own political differences more just asking them more about thiers. combined with the fact they dont seem to be trying very hard to put a good case forward or pretty much anything in life. as i stated before they seem pretty lazy.
but i remember hearing about something similar as well user.

ah there it is. i cant beleive i forgot about that. yes very much that sorta "style" thank you user.

Dual citizenship, retard.

Gonna need some more of her

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>Tell me you're gay, without telling me you're gay.


Agreed, women shouldn't care about politics at all. The best type of GF is the one that would be like "What is a Ukraine?" When one of you guys start ramble about some stupid shit you saw on Any Forums

You can have all of it, you sick little bitch. No one that hasn't been over-fetishized would even consider touching that.

Fuck off Billy Graham. If she was in front of you with them titties jiggling you would too

My gf is great. She's fairly apolitical, but is smart enough to question me about things and make me think. She also understands (to the point that I talk about it) that I hate the jew and am concerned about the White race

Go outside for once in your life, titties like those are a dime a dozen, and they even come without the fat hog attached to them.

>have you noticed this?

I do not speak to women or put myself through the meat grinder that is online dating. I actually stopped going out and drinking at my bar because older divorced women kept chatting me up.

It sounds like they desire the conservative/nationalist men and are trying to deceive them with a veneer conservative views, which crumbles when you press them:
>well whos to say it means that?!/no you can still use social media in a nationalist state/well women will always need to be influencers of the cause
>STFU *unmatched*

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I agree somehwat, I think ideally you want to redpill your spouse over time

what's the point of this thread?

Oy vey

And they can get fucked just like she can. I’m going raw in that. To say she’s not attractive has me questioning your tastes