Solar Steam Turbine

Can this replace (((solar panels)))?

Attached: Parabolic_trough_at_Harper_Lake_in_California.jpg (2370x1887, 1.92M)

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The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where "feed" and "seed" both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Feeduck and Seeduck".

Yes, it's more efficient, needs almost no rare material (rare earths, electronics) to build.
Far less expensive, you just need low quality mirrors and tubes

>Can this replace (((solar panels)))?
What if solar panels are just cheaper?

>doesn't work half the day
hydro generation is the way

>disrupting natural waterways
thorium salt reactors or bust

based and waterpilled

i didn't say that, you can utilize the tide and waves to generate steam, or make divergent paths into mini turbines that then re route back into the main supply without any need for dam or reservoir

>implying they arent extremely disrupted already by artificial straightening, shipping, industrial waste and draining of wetlands

plus you can always divert some of the stream around

Only works well in a desert. Then you need to transport the energy too.

>Slowing down the sea
I bet that that will end well.

Sorry Bidens donors didnt invest in this tech so it wont work
Maybe it kills birds or something, well find a reason

Attached: 1646926931342-pol.jpg (723x1024, 138.21K)

how does it work?

sounds like you have no idea how and why tides function.

protip: the energy is supplied by the gravity of luna.

Just another meme concept

>Slowing down the sea
u wot m8? it doesnt do anything to the ocean, it just moves things around from waves:

fucking hell, I came up with that idea on my own I swear to god

it works overnight by heating special salts that take more than a night to cool off

neat got a link to this contraption?

Geothermal and hydro.

Thorium self-evidently has serious issues, otherwise the nuclear industry would have picked up on it.

just build nuke plants like the 80s when everything was good. this giant curved mirror cope that only works less than half the time must be come kind of big inside joke

I don’t get it…

centuries of ships and vessels have had a notable effect on on currents throughout the ocean
putting generators in the oceans will disrupt this even more
the moon's influence and earth's natural spin will need millennia to restore the flow