Why is this ideology so fucking retarded?

Even the libshit anarcho commie theories of society are better than this. Because at least they have some form of structure via a two class system of citizens and slaves.

>Ancap works b-because it just does ok!? b-baka

>You dont NEEED a state to collectivize a nations strengths. Itll just HAPPEN via mcnukes and our COURTS will be by self appointed pedophi-uh..I mean, people.

>Unironically thinks being raped by roving bands of niggers is better than paying taxes

Literally Mao Poo Dung china is a better option

Attached: garbageflag.png (1200x811, 18.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Capitalists are scum
Simple as

Attached: 1646657712177.jpg (732x960, 84.39K)

You're an idiot, learn economics, the Austrian school

Is the nuke thing real or a meme?

Post flag or gtfo nigger

Shills want us fighting for Socialism or Communism. Anarchism has been hated by the elite for hundreds of years because they know it is the only system they can't rig. Anarchism is the real third position.

Its technically a meme, but its a meme hitting a real issue. The obvious issue of whos preventing the operation of mcnuke?

Anarchism only works in a perfect world. Because our world is niggery and filled with faggots, power always rests. Someone will always need to step up to protect others, else itll just go to the next jew in line.

I don't really see a problem with an ideology based around the idealized version of what human rights should be. We live in a world where no matter what ideology you hold the idealized version will never be realized. Striving for a certain unattainable north star of morals can still be a worthwhile thing to do.

Collectivism will always prevail in map painting over isolated independents in the long run and fundamentalist believers of ideologies that are based on limiting the power for a group to enforce compliance to marshal resources against their enemies will never be fully competitive- but it will never be totally eliminated because of the low cost to bootstrap new members.

So again, when you post your retarded thread and claim that X ideology is stupid, why not start from defining what your actual goals are? Is the only worthwhile trait of an ideology to be competitive? Is the only worthwhile trait to be something that can be effectively applied at the scale of billions of people?

The dumbest people in the room are the ones who are convinced that they're right.

That my problem with it their is a NAP yet no rule of law so someone in theory could use a nuke on anything and nothing would stop them until someone else kills them

it's a frontier ideology

What a refreshing and rare take.

Being nuked by the others, which is the same deterrent governments have. Based on you other posts you seem lost to the collectivist mind virus, KYS

Post flag or gtfo nigger

Attached: libertarians jews.jpg (600x340, 54.16K)

Attached: 1644521456927.jpg (1800x1000, 487.57K)

So how does the NAP inforce this and also is ancap just neo-futalism


>Collectivism will always prevail in map painting over isolated independents in the long run
Collectivist societies always collapse in the long run, tyrants will be destroyed, individualism is here to stay, seethe harder

Collapse and are replaced by other collectivist societies if there are still worthwhile resources (including human resource), sure.

Why are you under the impression that other societies don't collapse? Everything in the universe is a cycle of birth and death. Accepting this is the first step to understanding anything.

Blade Runner is a documentary, who is getting reday for a post Apocalyptic dystopia ruled by post-futurist barons and a technocratic empire of some kind of cyber feudalismo.

PS, you moron, I think you just repeated what I literally wrote but in a more paste-eating manner.

Jews that want to abolish the central banks and fractional reserve banking? I'm thinking based.

Doing as the industrialist said benefits everyone in the society via bringing in more and thus affordable food.

"ron paul and the six kinds of libertarianism"

"what is the libertarian party?"

"libertarianism in 6 minutes"

"what is paleolibertarianism?"

"the essentials of libertarianism // (briefly explained)"

"what is libertarianism? (free will)"

"why are autistics attracted BOTH to conservatism and libertarianism?"

"Modern american conservatism playlist"

Ferdinand Lassalle

Iron wage law

Night watchman state




Austrian school

War Guilt in the Middle East (1967)

On the Importance of Revisionism for Our Time by Murray Rothbard

"Why I Won’t Vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Sen. Barry M. Goldwater
(June 18, 1964)"


wiki mises

mises caucus

that's why i favor minarchism more.

Capitalist societies will never collapse

You cant be this retarded

Im not arguing against libertarianism of any kind. Just ancap specifically. Most libs understand nations require some sort of structure, even if they want it on the low end.

Then explain it. If free markets are favorable over monopolies then why have a monopoly over police or law? Why do you think anarcho capitalism cannot work in any condition?

ancaps are based
chinks on Any Forums hate bitcoin so they post faggy threads like OP's

Simply because corporations have no natural incentive to give two shits about the people. Theres a fundamental difference in the biology of a state and that of private companies.

kek OP got mad by the last ancap thread

>Simply because corporations have no natural incentive to give two shits about the people.
Then you don't understand how capitalism operates. Corporations work to give the best service not because they like you but because they want to trade. That's how it works for any industry in the world right now, every industry tends to produce better products and services because consumers want better products and services. That's also why we KNOW free markets are more favorable than monopolies.

So I ask you again, why do you think free market cannot produce better products and services in law and police departments in any way?