How past hours looked like to Poland

United States
>"Here you go, Poland. $50 billions of aid so your country won't bankrupt after few months by helping over million of war refugees. You are doing a great job. If you need we will sent more. Just call us anytime."
European Union
>"We wuz going to put sanctions on butthurt belt overlord cuz Pootin is our master and ukrainians aren't refugees lol"

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Jewtin blackmails and bribes german leaders into doing their bidding, nothing new.

EU are dumb useless pricks who honestly deserve to get invaded

Fuck off from this board you subhuman slavshits.

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nigger, your coutry colonized all of central european countires and is systematically pumping out wealth from them , year by year. There are no "gibs" - those are just bribes to entangle our political elites within your web of influence.

I hate you subhuman Poleshits so much.

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>aaah I hate these little Poles!

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How come Slovenia is blue here?

No argument, PISS nigger?

Because they arent subhuman Poleshits.

I think this is it. I am just going to filter poland now. I've got pole fatigue.

Friendly reminder that the slav, of any nationality, is only capable of perpetual butthurt.

ooooo Mehmet is angry.


nigger, tell me where would you sell your shit if not to eastern european members of EU? Also 36B is fucking nothing, fucking corporations like nest have properties worth 2-3 times more than that.

no refunds

>where does Germany sell stuff?
is that a joke, you Pollack dumbfuck

the only joke here is your comprehension of reality, you need to control eastern Europe and prevent it from developing its own industry so you can be an economical powerhouse.

Polo’s are genuses! USA, come’ on man give the Uk’s the jets, of course the Russians will not bomb you….Ok, here’s the jets-You give them to the Uks And the USA ??? LOL

The absolute delusion you Poelshits have. I dont think I have ever bought anything made in Poland. kek

are poles the most oppressed europeans in the current day and age?

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No surprise there. Spaghetti benders are high yellow spooks. Always looking for gibs.

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your reading comprehension is something else. I'm saying that YOU are using us as a market to sell the shit that you produce. Also you are actively preventing EE countries from developing their own industry as that would hinder you economical dominance. That's why you don't see any Polish products in germany. You fucking dense kraut.

Trudeau few minutes ago told he will give aid to Poland too and allow ukrainian refugees to gain canadian citizenship fast and easy.
>Eurocucks on suicide watch

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Oh you mean like Ukraine, Serbia and Russia are such prospering hotbeds of threatening the german industry.

You retarded, subhuman Poleshit?

Don't worry, at least the cities of poland aren't filled with turks

The EU destabilized the region and you fags should be the ones paying for it, not us. But you don't even pay for your own defense. Germany is nothing more than America's retarded kid.

WTF? We've pumped Poland full of money, you dumbfuck. This is what it used to look like.

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I don't remember seeing the kids of eu members ''employed'' in Ukrains biggest gas service, unlike the crack addicted son of your president.

Hey, USA user here. Besides the retards in the White House we really hate you. I personally hope you get glassed in the next two years, since you tried to pull me and my country into your retarded wars. Fuck you! Hope you can speak Russian

I hate EU (not europe) so much its unreal

>American is retarded
How about you eat the smarties of the cock from Bidens son?

>I hate EU (not europe) so much its unreal