Modern bodies aren't used to fasting...

Modern bodies aren't used to fasting, are filled with tons of garbage/viruses that will take full effect on an empty stomach, and the Russian population will grow weaker as a result of it.

Face it, Russia has lost, even if it takes another week of this shit

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Don't care post more robot butts

Damn, Jenny got thiccc.

>nonsensical post
>fucking hentai garbage

all you mutts should be rangebanned.


The whole world has lost. I hope you fags took the prepper pill because with countries stopping exports of grains and fertilizer shit is going to be wild by year's end.

Attached: venezuela-before-and-after-socialism.jpg (468x468, 80.26K)

And your country should be incinerated with a good portion of the US arsenal for being the seat of international banking jewry. Neither one of us is going to get what we want.

>made out of metal and fiberglass
>has an ass

this is factually accurate OP. People are getting fat because it causes them to sequester fat-soluble toxins in their fat and prevents them from having to metabolize them. The toxic burden present in the fat mass of the average modern person is a type of tinder that is perhaps going to(or has already begun to) ignite a flame of illness the likes of which no one alive has seen.. famine will be the match. The crows will starve because nothing will eat the toxic things that die as a result of this metabolic destruction..

>Modern bodies aren't used to fasting
Flag checks up.

People can’t fast because they are mutants lmao

ban incoming

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On the positive side, he's not overweight anymore.

Not sure why you're coping so hard if your winning by so much.

fasting really isn't hard after the first 12 hours
more people should do it
keeps you alert and awake

Reminder, if you like large ass you're not European,

The love for larger bottoms correlates with warmer climates

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Russia not only produces all the food it needs, but also exports tons of food as well as fertilizer. They're not the ones who are going to be hungry.

I like both, same goes for tits although I do like the combo of small tits+wide hips/ass

That's just 100% wrong. Fasting will eat tumors and shit alive. Fuck off nigger.
