Are you prepared for the collapse?

Are you prepared for the collapse?

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Yea like ww3 lmao. Cope cope keep taking it in the butt

Not at all.

How will the capitaliscucks exaplin cuckpitalism is giving them only debt, misery, niggers, beaners and literally zero capital?


I thought it was a lot worse than that

Just counted my silver last night. 1156 oz, plus a little gold.

I’m not gonna lie, it is soul crushing to see my hard earned savings being depleted without even spending it.

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I'm a multi-millionaire in my 30s. Seethe moar poorfag wagie.

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it’s just transitory

Kek. You retards thought those stimmy checks from Zion Drumpf came with no strings attached huh?

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I finger my asshole when I shit.

Shitcoin is not real money!

I really laugh at how much of a faggot you guys are when you see a 1% increase in inflation, or the so called 4dollars a gallon for gas.

Nigga, here we had to survive with a 1000% inflation for a couple of years once, hell throughout most of our history inflation has been around 80% . You will manage.

Same with gas, most countries don't have access to cheap gasoline, even in well developed countries a lot of people have to live with something akin to 10 dollars a gallon.

The so called collapse is decades away from happening to you guys.

Fuck off jew

how does you shit with a finger in your ass?

also don't forget that it's all because of evil putin!

>thinks it was the stimulus checks that caused this inflation
Absolutely boomer tier take. Discarded.


Everyone does user.
Same with smelling then licking your finger.

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Soon we're all going to be millionaires. If things go very bad, billionaires even.

You guys are floating because you have outside civilization to cling on to

If real-world civilization collapses, that's the end

I have 100 acres of fertile land, forest, and pretty much own my own brooke since my house is the ONLY house at the start of it and no other houses lead on it. Yes, I'm ready for the collapse. I'm deforesting the land this summer to sell the firewood and starting up a 5 acre farm with livestock and crops with a goal of being sustainable. This land is also filled with animals. Are you ready for the collapse cityfags?

>everybody pays twice as much for groceries
>rent up 15%
>gas ridiculous
>b-but it's only 8% guise
People should be dying.

>Just counted my silver last night
What a very jewish thing to say…

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It's not a collapse.
The indsiders are just stealing your wealth en-masse.
Inflation is a silent tax on everyone. The wealth goes to asset holders and debtors, which means every financial institution and government.
Your standard of living will fall, and theirs will rise.

There's a large difference between a poorfag country, and the literal backbone of the world economy.

Trump should be incarcerated for this

It is. February isnt now. We are in the future now. Those statistics are old

not in the slightest

I'm not ready. I barely have any savings but I do have a house on 4 acres thats paid for..

"you would be surprised about my amount of silver, goyim."

anyone who tries to buy anything from me with silver or gold during or after the collapse and has a slightly hooked nose, gets the fucking rope.

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>Also your pay hasn't risen at all
>Fake and gay kind of inflation created to bankrupt the non hyper rich

1 in 5 dollars was created in 2020.

>civilization collapses, that's the end

No, we had multiple collapses throughout history:
-Bronze Age Collapse
-Roman Collapse
-The many Chinse Famines
- Weimar Republic
-Post Soviet Collapse

Etc. Wtf dude, humanity has survived way worse shit compared to just 2% more inflation and just 2 more weeks or some happening.

I agree that we in Shitzil are NGMI, but still, you guys from the developed world are way to spoiled sometimes.

It was the boomers who were cheering him on dumbfuck.

4 in 5 dollars was created in the last 2 years.

A lot of people i know feel prepared because they "own" their houses. And by own, they rent from a bank. Why are normies feeling secure about that? I've "owned" my house for seven years. I missed one payment and the jews blew up my phone 24/7 until i paid it. The banks will have you kicked out if you dont pay them, do people not understand that?

Yes, owning silver is a kike trick. Be sure to hold lots of valuable fiatbux.

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I'm ready. I get paid from your property taxes NO MATTER WHAT!

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You are right, you guys would be slightly poorer and maybe have to deal with some third world type inconveniences after the so called "collapse".

Prnting 2/3 of the total money supply in a year had absolutely no impact on inflation. It was all those dang Democraps and Ruskies right Schlomo?

7.9% reportedly

Name a single occasion of global collapse? Literal world wide collapse?

During the worst economic collapse in history, WW2 occured. The deadliest war in human history.

There is no doubt that the economic depression of the 30's lead to a global war. This time the global war will involve nukes.

>"2 more weeks til nukes drop goyim, give me your gold"

No, all I'm saying is to prepare, unless you are gay, black, or a kike. In that case, just die.


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>Name a single occasion of global collapse? Literal world wide collapse?
We've never had a global economy before.

I have never owned crypto

Am uncircumcised


TY. Am Polish.

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> Inflation won't happen
> Inflation is a right-wing conspiracy theory
> Inflation isn't happening
> Even if it happens it will be tiny
> Okay it was bigger than expected but we're at the peak
> It won't affect consumers
> Okay it was bigger again but it's not a big deal
> Okay it was bigger again and it affected consumers but
> Inflation is transitory
> Inflation is actually a good thing Inflation will go down soon
> Inflation will maybe go down next year
> Inflation is Trump's fault
> We're banning crypto
> Here's why $55 for a gallon of gas and $38 for a loaf of bread is great for America