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ELONgated MUSKrat

Maybe the Bosnians deserved it?

why did the US bomb my town and completely level our church in ww2?

I remember this morning. There were horrific reports coming out of Sarajevo of snipers picking off civilians and all kinds of atrocities. It all seemed so hopeless and then I got off the bus at Earls Court station, crossed the road to the newspaper booth I always used to pick up a copy of the Times from from and there was the headline: “America bombs Serb forces around Sarajevo”. Still makes me want to cry. Based as fuck.

>because Serbians genocided bosnians
>all NATO countries bombed them
He is at fault in both counts.

Big mistake for GAE. Notice how their empire has been collapsing ever since?

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We didn’t bomb the Serbs nearly enough

because of Tony fucking Blair.
little did he know that this would set a precedent for the invasion of Iraq.

now those gypsy vermin is scattered all around the globe.

What a pitty they didn‘t bomb them enough

Yeah, US should just bomb Russia already.

Serbia is an easy target for predators. Whilst Russia is also a predator. So NATO cant bite them. The law of the jungle.

Personally I would be ok with just bombing serbs right now

Isn't it absurd how freely words like 'genocide' are thrown around? It's pathetic. Just because some people were killed in a conflict doesn't mean they were genocided, especially when they are pretty much the same genetic stock of people. They are trying that shit in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. It's call a war, morons.

Is that Suckemfuckem?
That nigga has been on my mind. No cap, I been thinking about that time when I fucked and sucked him raw in a feed and seed store, formerly Chuck's. That shit had to be the fanciest, German, wettest boy pussy I've ever laid pipe into. I swear to Floyd Sneed, the most heavenly high is gargling that wonderboy's nuts while going fist deep into his shitter. I had Sneedumfeedum screaming in the sheets with head too ridiculous to ignore. That nigga frotted and splotted my cock until he busted on my Gucci Loafers, I had to return the favor. That nigga Sneedumfeedum and I been fucking non-stop ever since, but keep that shit on the DL. He does that shit for free. If you're gonna ask me how to "long" Sneedumfeedum, I'll be deadass. All you gotta do is ask, be straight up, and get physical real quick. Touch his nuts, get on ya knees, talk your shit. He doesn't play around with no pansy-ass niggas either. He likes his men manly, and his dick thick. Dark skin, 6'5 is the minimum and I ain't talking about height boy.

That nigga FeedemSeedem stole my heart and drank my seed

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Hollywood didnt like the extra exposure from A Serbian Filn

Fuck off with your kosher acronyms.

CNN lied, Serbs died. That simple


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>Being brain-gangraped by your mass media
>Crying tears of joy of a Satanic Pedophile and his cronies murdering a ethnicity because mass media told you they are bad.

Bongcucks and their media are truly a iconic due of a rapist and a "happy" victim.
What's utter slave minded mental midgets you are

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Serbs had concentration camps. They may be similar to bosnians but they still put them in camps and starved them.

Still not genocide though. In a war, it does seem like you send captured enemies to a prison of some kind. Also in a war resources are scare and extra valuable and those same prisoners are always at the back of the queue, so they would invariably get starved if the war isn't going well or the countries economy is fucked. It's still no genocide. In fact, even if the starvation was truly purposeful, it's not genocide.
Genocide is specifically seeking to eradicate an entire ethnicity of people, an entire genealogy of people.