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Nips are still salty about WW2 kek
Nuke them again

Based Putin

He doesn't stand a chance now that the gamers are rising up.

>more refugees
>less games
Oh yeah, it's Sony time!

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just import/pirate lmao

I swear they set up these algorithms for covid and now they can run out these generic branding actions like they did for blm before this

Am I missing something? I really, genuinely don't understand how cutting off services to powerless citizens is sticking it to Russia. Ultimately it's just denial of empty entertainment, but I still don't get the unified front over it.

sometimes i think that nothing is really about us. and im not russian.


The Russian people need to to topple Putler. The people are more likely to revolt if their life is not so good.

But they're fucking Russian. Their lives are never so good.

Nike and Adidas have stopped operations in Russia since yesterday.
Should only be a couple of more hours until Russia ceases their invasion.

Fuck Ukraine for being racist, Fuck Russia for being imperialist without spreading the word of God, and fuck Sony for artificially limiting the spread of vidya.
I'm objectively right.

The Russians are responsible for Putin, whether they like it or not.

>all their methods for escapism are made by the west
>western companies tell them to fuck off
>ivan tops himself

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My thoughts exactly. Covid, BLM, Ukraine, it all feels exactly the same whenever the soulless corpos say something. Like they can just insert any random hysteria-of-the-month topic and spit out the same faggy posts.

Yeah but now that their government is waging unprovoked full scale war against democratic neighbor, there's no need to make the life too good for the prople under Putler's rule. Time for them to do what they have to do.

collectivist hive insect

russians are pure bred slaves living in a police state, nobody is going to topple him
soon China will devour russia whole and finish off this worthless nation

Where the fuck are these companies helping us in the fucking US

If anyone's going to oust Putin it will be the oligarchs who are bleeding money to sanctions. Then they'll just replace him with some not!Putin and return to the status quo.

Its partly virtue signaling because in reality no company wants to do business with russia since retarded putin tanked their economy and the ruble is worthless

I agree something will happen and judging by russian anons in russian chans, they are all expecting someone else to do it.

It must get expensive though. 2 million dollars is still money they have publicly pledged to spend on literally nothing now.

you don't need help you coward

>Oh no! I can't buy an incredibly scarce and overpriced thing! Better start bottling molotovs!
Yeah, that's totally gonna work. Putin's days are numbered.

No, not the trak soots! That's it, over the fucking line! To Kremling!

he truly is killing the whites literally

the whole world has gone crazy, modern digital fascism, just because I'm Russian, are you blocking the store? .Kojima once said that only physical copies make sense, it's true. stupid sony when you had an earthquake, I just waited and didn't give up on you. this is a good lesson for anyone who spends money on digital versions of games, music, movies, you are just buying air that you cannot sell, leave as a legacy or give away. Ahah now I checked, they even stole money from the account, they can’t be withdrawn or spent. They just hung. when in Afghanistan people fell from planes, when black people suffered in America, hypocrites from Sony blocked the store? steal money? corporations you don't think about the future

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Are americans responsible for everything Biden does? Are french responsible if Macron acts up?
Retard logic. The average russian just wants to do his own thing. Probably voted against Putin but what difference does it make in a country of soviet boomers?

That probably comes from their advertising budget anyway.

BHVR didn't announce they were halting sales for Dead by Daylight in Russia until today. A day AFTER they dropped their newest chapter of killer and survivor (Ringu)

They write it off and get a tax break. It's why grocery stores ask you to donate a dollar to dying children.

Yes user. Corporations need to punish common people because of undisclosed and tenuous reasons.

>digitalize everything
>ID, bank account, etc
>have you own nothing, rent everything instead
>get frozen out of all of these things the moment you dissent against the ruling class
Welcome to hell, you voted for it.

Must come from their budget for “charitable causes” to keep up their public image. These gigantic corpos like Sony have more money than we am imagine.

Wait, they get a tax break for giving away money? That sounds retarded.

>suspended all software and hardware shipments, the launch of Gran Turismo 7 and operations of the Snoystation Store in russia
Should have done all of that everywhere else, HEY-YO!

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dissenting like saying horizon and elden fickle are dogshit

>Are americans responsible for everything Biden does? Are french responsible if Macron acts up?
Yes, unironically. They are your representatives. Pick better ones next time, mutt.

We can't fight a conventional war against Russia anymore because nukes so we need to fight an economic war or use soft power to exert political will.

The west's main export is entertainment and luxury goods. By depriving Russia of these and utilising our soft power effectively, the hope is that Russians will miss western exports enough to use their political capital to influence a change in Russian policy. This is done in addition to other policies like sanctioning Russian business and people, harming Russia's export industry as well and ultimately their economy.

It's certainly been effective in hurting the Russian economy in the short term, whether or nor it will be effective in the long term or effective enough to influence political change remains to be seen. The problem, specifically with Russian-Western relations, is the west tends to cave and welcome Russia back into the fold after they do they something like this after the political outrage and will has faded; such as following the invasions of Georgia and Crimea.

The big fear remains that without US money pouring into Russia, Russia will seek other economic trading partners, namely China. China is the USA's biggest geopolitical threat that the USA refuses to do anything about because our economy is so married to their's. Such a unification of Russia and China would ultimately empower China and make Russia+China are more powerful unified threat to US hegemony than they would otherwise be separately.

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This. These companies will make tenfold that in a week (maybe even a day). No one at Sony is losing sleep over paying 2 million for 54k twitter-likes.


I represent myself. There is no 'our'.

Elections are rigged, biden is incredibly unpopular

This isn't going to make Russians hate Putin, it's going to make them hate the rest of the world and support Putin. Anyone can notice the hypocrisy of Russia getting sanctioned for Ukraine but America getting away with Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Yugoslavia.

never thought i'd see a good opinion attached to an anime poster

user, you are under the illusion that elections are fair to begin with.
Americans did not "pick" Biden. He was picked by (((you know who))) with boxloads of votes arriving at 4AM.

Кoнcoлeбляди oпять cocнyли.

This, it's always about money. Ruble is in shambles right now and no one wants changing prices every day.
But they cover this by convenient Ukraine situation

Putin approval rating 74% (up sharply after Ukraine invasion)
Biden approval rating: 37% (down after Ukraine invasion)

…why? Nintendo did it with Advance Wars, but that game actually starts with not-Russia declaring war on not-America. What’s so controversial about car go fast?

>Are americans responsible for everything Biden does?
Yes, because the American people allowed the political class to steal the election for a candidate they didn't vote for because they are too afraid of losing their comfort.
Jokes on them, they're gonna lose it anyway due to Biden's absurd mismanagement. Turns out electing a party that cares more about letting men use girl's bathrooms than it cares about world affairs or the economy was a bad idea.

say what you want, but sony loses money on this easily.

Russian people already hate Putler. But you do see the history of Russian comon people. First tzars, then Soviet Union. The people have been taught to pretend obedience.

Ivory Tower Americans think that by making the lives of the Russians miserable the Russians will blame Putin for starting a war that is causing a war that is cutting them out of the world and as such the Russian will go and start a revolution and topple Putin.
In reality this will never happen because Putin is not a pussy-ass bitch nigga and any protester he sees out he will instantly get beaten the fuck out, jailed or even killed. Americans are unable to understand this simple concept since, as I mentioned, they live in a Ivory Tower. They do not understand what is to live in a shithole country, a real shithole, ruled by a genuine tyrant. They instead complain about orange man writing mean tweets and saying they have PSTD from that.
What is most likely to happen is that this will cause widespread anti-Westerner sentiment and cause the Russians to double-down and go "I told you so!" or "Putin was right, look at what the West is doing to us!" and so on.
On another deeper level, this here is an horrendous precedent. Whatever the reasons Putin has for starting this war, that companies are going "we disagree with you so we will completely isolate you from the wider world and shut down all our operations in your country" is spooky as fuck.
See, what these people don't understand is that Russia is more or less self-sustaining. This kind of shit of isolating you with no support networks works only with truly shithole countries.
And on another deeper deeper level, all this also is doing is making Russia allying itself ever harder with China and the like and becoming more "independent" from the wider world. It's dividing the world more. Creating a brand new faction. Kinda bad for Globalization don't you think?
And obligatory mention about how it is all doing for the sake of virtue signaling. None of these companies would have the balls to do this to China if China were the one who started a war. It's unseemly, to say the least.

I feel bad for Americans. They haven't had a good presidential candidate in like thirty years.

Slavniggers aren’t white

>Russian people already hate Putler
This is how I know you're talking out of your ass

It barely matters if Russia trades more oil and gas with China, Russia isnt even in the top ten economies and the us only gets like 3% of its oil total from russia

The only thing that will happen is that china will get slightly cheaper prices on oil and russia will be hurt in the long term since European countries will find other sources

>salty about WW2
america is invading Ukraine?

>unification of Russia and China
History has proven time and again they don't get along and only cooperate out of desperation.

i dont give a shit about the war but knowing fewer and fewer of you fucking vodka drinking cousin humpers will be in my lobbies is a delight

lol at believing that 74% number
you cant be this naïve

>Kinda bad for Globalization don't you think?
Good. Fuck globalism and fuck globalists

You have no idea how obnoxious Russian snoygers are, so them getting buttfucked is very much based. Also PS4 is hacked and in abundance here, so if we ever wanted to play Bloodborne (nothing else on PS4 anyway), we always can, and with 60 FPS patch.

>first the tsars
if they feared the tsars the communist revolution wouldnt have happened.

What the fuck.

"Leader did a bad, so we're literally banning 144 millions people from playing our games. We are good guys, guys. The little grandmas in Siberia that played our games to wash away the pain of her son and grand-daughter dying, now they banned from our games. What good guys we are. Really punishing those evil grandmas".

The fuck is happening in the west those days. The literal fucketry fuck. What the fucking fuck of all the fucks is happening. Jesus, Joseph, and all the Saints. What the fuck is happening.

Poles still exist, user

Yes of course. You really think that if the president of your country is using your military and nuclear weapons to threaten other countries and start an invasion, you're not responsible for any of it? Other people are dying because of your president and you expect to just shrug and go about your day not begin inconvenienced by any of it? And what can other countries do if you can't or won't stop your own president, and you're also against other countries retaliating in any way? (fyi trying to starve and economically ruin the enemy is a valid military tactic)

>It barely matters if Russia trades more oil and gas with China
Meanwhile Germany pussied out and is still buying gas from Russia lmao. Spineless fucks.
Russia will be fine at the end of the day when you consider this kind of stuff plus how hard they will buddy buddy with China.

more believable than biden getting 81 million votes at midnight

the worst pole i've ever met is a thousand times better than the worst russian ''''''person'''''''''

>The point
>Your head

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it's to make them kill themselves
it will be done in silence after they're cut off from the global internet tomorrow

>The fuck is happening in the west those days. The literal fucketry fuck. What the fucking fuck of all the fucks is happening. Jesus, Joseph, and all the Saints. What the fuck is happening.
The end of its civilizational cycle. Moral death and decay. Feminization of people's psyche.


Seriously. We have no control over what our corrupt governments do here in the west. Anyone who actually tries to hold them accountable with even the tamest non-violent demonstration gets called an “insurrectionist” and thrown in a fucking gulag. Ironic really.

Ukrainians were already working in richer european country farms and truck driving so the difference wont be that big.

Things have been going bretty good all things considered. New rights have been breached and old previously reached rights have been secured, but overall more of our God-given rights are guaranteed than ever.

You will own nothing

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>The little grandmas in Siberia that played our games to wash away the pain of her son and grand-daughter dying
lmao what the fuck are you talking about, grandmas in siberia don't own a fucking PS5
also you are the ones bombing innocent civilians and child hospitals

There's a good chance that the invasion of Ukraine was pushed by the oligarchy and knew what they would get themselves into, money isn't a factory anymore if you liquidated enough into silver and gold

>their life won't be so good if they don't have pozzed video games and mcdonalds

How will they survive without BLACKED: The Movie: The Game!?!? Monke is done for...

>Putin approval rating 74%
yeah, right

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And revolutions happen when people are in the truly lowest of the low and most desperate situations to the point they don't fear for their life anymore since if anything life would be freedom from all the pain and misery they're experiencing. Shithole or not, modern Russia, is nowhere near as bad at that right now even after all this bullshit they keep pulling.
They've got fuel and food up the ass to last for a damn long while. They're a country that exports, not that imports. Muh revolution because they don't have Netflix anymore is never happening.

it's tax-deductable, doesn't cost them much.

How can we help the Russian gamers? Could we do a kick starter for them?

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seed fitboy torrents

find some ruskie bros and have lan parties with them

Nah. These globohomo platforms are all the same: ban you for wrongthink

>help Russian gamers

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>what these people don't understand is that Russia is more or less self-sustaining
On an agrarian level, sure. But there is no such thing as a self-sustaining country in the modern global economy. That's why America doesn't sanction China and vice-versa. Look at North and South Korea for an example of what it looks like to be "self-sustaining".

oh but let me guess you believe biden won the election with 81 million votes

Ha! Everyone knows Russians are the worst at pirating!

Isn't South Korea doing pretty well though?

>donating to the UN
>the globohomo org where one of its five permanent members is Russia
>while condemning Russia
Clown world.

Teach them how to pirate games for free?

Hell, even euros are governed by literally unelected bureaucrats.

Yeah, the small and democratic one.

no matter the nationality, gamers are the most oppressed group in the world

You got a single fact to back up your claim, or are you going to regurgitate the same talking points that the socially retarded losers who were bullied in highschool over at pol claim every day?

I think Russia needs the West way more than the West needs Russia. And stagnating China can't replace USA & EU as a trading partner.

It's the same thing with China. It needs the West as a strong trading partner and Russia can't fill that need if the relations between China and the West turn sour because of their support to Russia.

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Yes, because it's connected to the global economy whereas North Korea isn't.

It's time...GAMERS RISE UP.

Russia takes back the Ukraine = evil.
America steals Texas from the Mexican people = not 1 fuck given

Other countries are already starting to wake up (see Japan)
You'll get your soil back soon enough

Twitter tranny post

what are you talking about? projection much? Trump won

I wouldn't say we stole it, we just borrowed it without intent to return it.

>everyone cutting off russia
cant wait til russia cuts of europes oil lmfao

it's ok when we do it

Being buddy-buddy with Russia isn't all that useful for China. Russia's economy is a risk, not an asset and Chinese investment in Russia has slowed considerably since Crimea, let alone Ukraine.

>something actually happening = evil
>strawman = not 1 fuck given

Based, fuck Putin

Yes, let me just march into the kremlin and oust Putin from power. That surely won't get me gulag'd and condemn my family to a life of poverty.

>Other countries are already starting to wake up (see Japan)

not happening lmao
they're all in it together

No no no no no no

Turns out globalism is cancer and privatizing all of your industries are a mistake, how curious.

None of you have any claim to land that you didn't buy nor any glory associated with the stealing of land that you didn't steal.

That's why China built the great firewall. Russia should have done the same. Well, never too late

>hmm who could be behind this post?

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I find it hilarious when Americans on Twitter are screaming that Russians should do this when at the same time these are the same faggots who are scared shitless of the police. Hypocritical fucks.

You hate freedom.

All these hypocrite corporations boycotting Russia really makes me root for them somehow.

why do you want to fuck an old man

Letting international companies control your economy is not freedom
True freedom is your state being independent and making everything essential in its own borders

Okay so what then? We let Putin do whatever the fuck he wants to surrounding countries and who knows what else so that you poor thing can go on living like nothing's happening?

Same here. As someone from a shithole country where even getting a card to buy things online is impossible, I really can sympathize with the Russians getting fucked over by all this faggotry.

america is already doing that for them

Neither do the current owners.

>>get frozen out of all of these things the moment you dissent against the ruling class
or just your government doing something they don't like

You mean Californians right?

Falling birthrate lower than death rate?
Insane feminist horse shit to cover up they were a military junta up until recently?
New president advocating a slave labor tier work week?

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I recognize that face

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>>hmm who could be behind this post?

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they think Russians will hate Putin for this i guess

Individual freedom>>>
>your state
Almost anything your state does is not conducive to freedom

Unironically, the spastic retardedness of corporations punishing grandmas is giving more strength to Putin's cause than everything, ever.

There is one thing to have the propaganda tell you that it's always been Russia against the world. It's another to not be able to buy vidyas because the west decided your innocent population shouldn't be able to buy vidya, can't import stuff because all he corporation of the world (except China) decided that you couldn't, can't get an uber because uber decided you bad, grandma is dying of frost in Siberia because the knitting association of England has decided they won't want to sell mittens to your fucking grandma. It's so stupid. So retarded on such a scale.

The fucking fuck is happening. There is economic sanctions, and there is trying your hardest to create a Hitler 2.0 by punishing an entire innocent population in the most retarded way possible. Because if shit keeps it up like that? You better believe a nuclear war could be coming. And that wouldn't be Putin's fault. And yes, innocent Russians would be quite willing to go this far, because you're literally proving Russia's propaganda true.

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>I really can sympathize with the Russians getting fucked over by all this faggotry
and not with their even smaller, even poorer neighbours getting bombed to death?
the ban of mcdonald's and video games is really what gets to you?
you fell for the normalfag r*ssian propaganda

they don't have balls for fighting Putin in a honest way.

if I was russian I'd just walk up to putin and punch him out and everyone would clap and make me president

What? Did you forget all those anti-police protests and outright riots in America or something? I also hope you realize it's hardly just Americans taking an anti-Russia stance.

I've been on /k/ this past few days and it's a real eye opener when you spend some time in a board not contaminated by Any Forums faggotry. As soon as i entered this cesspool again the smell was nauseating. The sheer stupidity just smothers you like a blanket. That board still reminds me of old Any Forums, it's nice even though it's about things i only have a mild interest on.

Nice, more PS5s to go around for the rest of us. When is Valve doing this with the deck? I wouldn't mind moving up a few spots in queue.

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Companies care more about PR and do more to support it than most people think

The only stolen election was in 2000.

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>the worst the west can do is sending globohomo garbage the russians were pirating anyway
Meanwhile europe is running out of gas lmao

Shut the fuck up you dumb tankie trumpard shits, NOBODY worth anything gives a shit if russians waging a war of aggression on another country, bombing hospitals and civilians, don't get McDonalds or PS5s

Cope with it

>/k/ not contaminated by Any Forums faggotry
u wot m8

>Russian citizens would be quite willing to wipe out humanity because they've been denied McDonalds and Gran Turismo 7
Damn, didn't know Ruskies were hardcore consoomers like that

/k/ is full of Zogbots and boomers

>and not with their even smaller, even poorer neighbours getting bombed to death?
When did I say I did not feel bad for them?
I can feel bad for both even if for different reasons, you know?
>the ban of mcdonald's and video games is really what gets to you?
Yes, it gets me because I've experienced that kind of things and I know how much it sucks to be unable to buy something online while all the people I see on the internet can do it without thinking.

You are a moron
Without your state, another state will rule over you. The only reason you have any freedoms at all is because your own countrymen defend you with arms and put their lives at risk, so you can play your bideo games.
I suggest you eat shit, ungrateful nigger

it's a tranny opinion and fits well with a pedophilic anime pic

actually almost all gaming companies have shut off russia as well as most businesses everywhere, nobody wants a worthless ruble, and protesting the war is a perk

better than 20% nazis and 80% underages pretending to be nazis

you're a phoneposter so there's a 99.9% chance you enjoy the taste of penis

Unifying with China would be a stupid move because China would just gut their asses for resources.

Russia and China do not like each other, Russia only likes white people

Also China know that Russia are desperate to offload oil and China know that and will pay dogshit prices.

That is if UAE doesn't just price match with the help of the EU.

>I also hope you realize it's hardly just Americans taking an anti-Russia stance.
This. Any country close to China should be concerned about big countries attacking their neighbours for no reason and getting away with it Scot free.

>That wouldn't be Putin's fault
You do know who's the aggressor in this?

You blame everyone and everything but Putin, even though he is the reason for all of this.
Uncuck your mind, Boris.

>GT7 is always online
>you’re screwed royally if you live in Russia


That's why I said 'almost'.
And yes faggot, sealing off your internet to turn the entire populace into nationalistic slaves is not conducive to freedom.

Russians are stocking their fridges with McDonalds and using their burgers as currency since the ruble is worthless

russia's been supplying china with free resources for years

They're suspending sales because sanctions are making it increasingly difficult to do business in Russia. The pro-Ukraine statement is just PR spin

sounds like Ukraine

>Almost anything your state does is not conducive to freedom
Just like the U.S, eh? Or Canada, EH? Or China, but we don't talk about the genocide in China. We extra don't talk about it.

Selling to those countries is perfectly fine.

They make better games than Sony anyway.

>waaaah bombed civilians
I dont care. The point is somefucks at google can ruin my life by simply banning my gmail account whenever they want.

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Yes, it's actually filled with adults unlike this board. It's refreshing.

what I'm not a phoneposter

>That's why I said 'almost'.
yeah you left out the most important thing, the defense of the people, you unthinking cretin
"The stronger the nation, the freer the people" - Vladimir Putin

>The point is somefucks at google can ruin my life by simply banning my gmail account whenever they want.
and that's a good thing and you'll do nothing about it because you've been bullied into submission

Fuck them too.
The US and Canada both have their own atrocities but they don't seal off the flow of information like China and Russia

> suddenly have 1 million more people permanently living in the country in times of resource scarity isn't going to be bad
yeah no even if the ukrainians integrate well they will take away gibs from others will only leads to social unrest.

This is fucking stupid. Default console in Russia is PS, so after Nintendo backing off the most logical choice would be taking over their share of the market.

How are those fuel prices nigga?
HAHAHA! USA cannot exert no more "political will" over us, get lost you fucking gringo

Snoy moved their HQ to the US mate, why you think their going to shit with all the censorship recently?

The defense of the people is only physical. Their minds being 'defended' is slavery and defeats the purpose of being free in the first place.

It's hell to do business in Russia now, all PR aside.
Your president is mentally unstable.

It's time to self host my mail. Good thing I stopped using onedrive aeons ago.

Yes. Thinking this is all Putin's fault is not correct.
He has been warning about his dislike of Nato encroaching east for 15 years. He is constantly ignored on everything. Even in Syria, russians helped fight isis with the USA sabotaging everything.
Now he snaps and acts on it. Maybe burgers and americans should have listened and actually discuss things eye-to-eye with their neighbouring energy superpower.
Now it's too late. Banning videogames or russian paralympic athletes will not stop the destruction in Ukraine.

fuel prices? Son, you will be liking the sidewalks for sustenance in a few moths.

>ever "adults"

SIE hasn't been Japanese since 2016.
It's why they suck now.

Doesn't Russia have the highest suicide rate in the world? Even higher than trannies? I wonder what it's going to be in the coming months

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>integrate well
A meme. They have a corruption index on par with Russians.

very hypocritical for the west to do this shit, Russian citizens are not going to revolt because they get arrested and tortured for it

How are Russia and China in the same continent yet are 2 different ethnicities? It doesn’t make sense.

I'm just sad I won't be able to play new Kirby game.
Well that and all my savings are probably worth nothing now.
91 rerun, expecting to see bread for 1k rubles eventually

We are not talking about defending people's minds, we are talking about preventing international corporations from dominating transactions in your country, such that they can choose to shut it down and cripple your country. This is not freedom, it is a national security threat, and if the solution is to ban foreign services from operating in your jurisdiction, then it must be done. Google facebook twitter have nothing to do with freedom in the first place, those companies are all about power and control.

Do you? Are you actually familiar with the geopolitics of the region?
This situation is if Bay of Pigs went south. This is the West seeing if Russia would make good on it's word to defend itself.

>Russia is more or less self-sustaining

>He has been warning about his dislike of Nato encroaching east for 15 years
He just gave NATO all the justification they need to set up shop right on Russia's border in Finland
Putin is a retarded manlet

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He thinks Sony are still nips. LMAO.

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>democratic neighbor
Whatever else you may say about the war but both Ukraine and Russia are about as "democratic".
Like a good chunk of Russia's oligarchs started out as Ukrainian oligarchs.

>The Russian people need to to topple Putler.
I don't know, user. After one year of forced kneeling and one year of being called terrorists for not injecting snake oil in your bodies, neither murricans nor europoors have done anything to topple their masters so why should the russians after two weeks of no subpar video games?

They got fuel, grains, meat. I guess, somewhat?
Sucks they cant play vidya tho, lmao.

lol true but literally cope and deal with it fag nobody can say shit to us

>luxury goods
You mean complex machinery, chemicals, and medicine. You know, the stuff you need to keep your tractors from breaking down.

It's funny to see all the vatnik bots attempt their usual Any Forums trash there and instantly get shut down. That's the thing about Any Forumsacks, they are used to play on easy mode and can't do a thing when they have to put any effort in; which highlights just how far this piece of shit of a board has fallen that it actually works here. I guess this is what happens when you fill a board with children and have it be moderated by manchildren pushing personal interests.

And? The point is Russians don't get to cry and claim they've nothing to do with any of this. If they support Putin then they should be willing to deal with all the drawbacks that come out of trying to go to war against two thirds of the world. Hell, if they genuinely believe they're the good guys for sticking it to the Evil Empire then they should be happy, rather than weaving sob stories about how they can't access the Evil Empire's entertainment services anymore. Either way, man the fuck up.

NATO was going to do that regardless of Russia's response.

Putin has whined how he doesn't want Nato any closer to his borders. However every time Russia has attacked since 90s, the target has been non-Nato country. I live in Finland, non-Nato country next to Russia and before Russia's attack to Ukraine I was against Nato. Now I'm for Nato, since Russia doesn't have balls to attack Nato countries. Putler sold Nato to us very well. Putin did this all hismelf.

It's absolutely not something that Russia wants to happen because it's one of the few large incomes that they still have. They can't sell the European oil to themselves.

Russian oil is only 3 % of the oil that USA uses so it's relatively easy for them to find a replacement. On the other hand Europe's oil is 30 % from Russia.

Sup Mykhailo, hope you like that rigged ammonia tank next to your home.

Remember Ivan, tree bark keeps for a long time. Throw it in some water and you have the national beverage of China circa 1960.

Playstation's HQ is in California. So it's not in Japan.

Yeah, might as well become China's economic slave in the process
Good thinking Putin!

Fair enough, but the point is that everyone completely ignored the man for 15 years, instead of being willing to discuss things properly. His demands were not outrageous, and would make no difference to the US, since they already have military bases everywhere anyway.
By not speaking to Putin, the west's weak leadership is also to blame. They fanned the flames that started this.

Thank god globalization is finally coming to an end.

Schizo post

uh huh, cry about it

>easy for them to find a replacement
oil princes told Biden to fuck off

Unfortunately California is basically America's version of Berlin.

>Yeah, might as well become China's economic slave in the process
Then Canada is America's economic slave, it seems to be doing pretty well

the only thing coming to an end is Russia, thank fucking god

Meds now

Do not forget the politicians of the West cried about fucking Russian meddling of all things, but are cowards towards China which makes it kind of funny and makes me not take the intelligence agencies seriously.

Putin doesn't get to play crying baby and expect to be treated as adult. It's pretty pitiful for his kreml-bots trying to make such claims.

Spoken like a true glowie. You would love if Russia devolved into a civil war and the region destabilized even more wouldn’t you? Why not just take Ukraine to NATO if you want to save those poor Ukrainians instead of cockteasing them for years.

Well if we're talking about being China's slave, then the most relevant country would be... North Korea... maybe some African shitholes? Not exactly a good place to be

Venezuela is replacing that 3%


Take out your government if you don't like it. Or enjoy your new NKorea style living. Those are your two choices, faggots.

You're underselling it, the West set the board and aimed for this outcome since the USSR fell. They wanted a slave state and if not, a new enemy to prop the war economy.

If that was true they would've done this every time America had invaded a country for the last ~25 years

You own nothing, are you happy yet?

Attached: moneystolen.png (1369x916, 1.19M)

this is literally going to double down globalization you giga retard
it's almost more reasonable that putin is a gigabrain 708D chessmaster trying to unite the world under the west than the alternative

I personally would love it if China and Russia destabilized to the level of Zimbabwean

Yeah because their government is a terrorist government and the sooner it is taken care of, the sooner the world can move on, Putin cocksucker.

>Take out your government if you don't like it.
that always goes well with positive results

Remember, piracy is a moral imperative, pirate everything from free games, indies, AAs to porn games.

Attached: piracy.jpg (1142x1071, 214.42K)

>You would love if Russia devolved into a civil war and the region destabilized even more wouldn’t you
If that prevents Russia from attacking its neighbors, yes. The anons on russian boards' are already specualting how Russia will be divided once Putler is out of the way. Go check it ( use google translate for Russian boards.

Are you retarded?

How come there are no russian games? I can only think of pathologic

I hope Russians remember all of this.

China trades 80 times more with South Korea than with North Korea. North Korea is China's military buffer, economically it is completely detached

Are we talking about the same board where americans are constantly trying to shyster underages into the army?

Then you have chosen the second option. Enjoy it. There isn't a special third option where everything goes back to normal and Russians get to be happy consoomers again. The train has exited the station.

Attached: 1557187467831.png (900x803, 611.86K)

>terrorist government
not the heckin gay rights

What country are you from?

hello Any Forums

I really wonder if people posting on Any Forums are really as bitter and indifferent as they say

>thread about what a "video game" company does gets moved from Any Forums to Any Forums

Attached: jannymorons.png (704x341, 85.79K)

>Polish person
>sucking Putin cock

Based mods

Im from Germany

You will never overthrow their governments

Sony is a californian company, I believe they abandoned the japanese market entirely because the japs think they are shit.

>>sucking Putin cock
I know you mutts have abysmal reading comprehension but at least pretend.

Nice german flag bro.


Attached: 1641088052213.jpg (188x181, 14.45K)

Main reason would be because of payment processing issues due to bank sanctions, visa/mastercard being faggots, etc. but also it provides a good opportunity to signal on top of that.


im from america

It's collective punishment, which is a war crime.

Yes I will

Consolefags totally deserve it. I wish snoy and microshit fucked their peasants more often harder and deeper.

Attached: dxchad.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

Who cares Russia has committed all sorts of war crimes

my greatest ally...

>Consolefags totally deserve it.

What punishment? We're not obligated to trade with them.

they desperately want to stage a coup in russia by antagonizing youth people, like they do in most other countries. its the west final straw

He says as he continues to defend Russia and cry this is bad despite it having zero negative effect on him.

amerifat pretending to be yurop lmao

A coup is what Russia needs. Take putler out of power.

Welcome to Any Forums cunts

lady tamamo-no-mae is plan on it based on digits from kek

Attached: 261200.jpg (300x390, 60.42K)

honestly we just want to make a bunch of filthy ruskies starve to death

Lol, revolts only happen when food or other basics are denied. These luxury sanctions are just seen as injust bullying and will probably even strengthen Putler.

Thank you

basedniggers acting like niggers

Legit can't wait until NATO inevitably gets involved due to overwhelming public pressure. I doubt any of your nukes will fire, considering Oligarchs have taken 90% of your pitiful military budgets and used it to buy Yachts. Your nukes probably won't even launch, just give out a fucking IOU for one armageddon.

World needs to stop acting like your paper tiger ass country is anything but the new North Korea.

wff i don't see flags

They fixed it, I'm able to download these games again. But anyway if I wanted I'd just pirate whatever I want (almost).
So far only gog explicitly prohibited selling games in russia.
Steam didnt do anything, but their payment processing doesnt work because of us sanctions.
Epic games works as usual, but you cant buy V-bucks in fortnite.
All platforms allow downloading everything you already own as usual.

the russian people have now been forced to choose between him and the west- and look at how the west is treating them. he hasn't gone full hitler, but it's only a matter of time; and he'll have the public's support behind him in a way not dissimilar to kim jong'un in the DPRK user
please read—or at least attempt to think before you speak

Who hasn't?

I've been making ahri since 2012, am I in her good books?

NATO must invade Russia while their military fails in Ukraine. After that we must admit Finland and Ukraine into NATO.

it wasn't working earlier in the thread, it looks like
how's chiang mai, user?

>only a few russian missiles actually work properly
>they hit a few silos or LA or some shit who cares
>russia and all her subhuman population gets absolutely fucking glassed
sounds like a win-win

Oh no, Russians can't consoom useless shit anymore.

but I never see any revolt in Australia?

As a German I'd say the US has a very clean record of no war crimes.

Ask Kek

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Doesn't show flags from posts when thread was still on Any Forums

will you continue to give them soda, Pepsi?

Remember all the times muttoid government got toppled because it was warmongering? Yeah, good times.