Why dont you have kids user?

There are 2 billion women on this earth of breeding age yet here you are stuck on this board. Why?

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i'm autistic and women are more autistic

Because Im 38

Die jabby.

because i'm lost

I'm 30. Women don't want 30 year olds.

already got a gf and she's pretty based

Because too lazy to pay alimony?

what do they put in the water in brazil?

>2 billion women on this earth of breeding age
Because thats not my only requirement. They must be
>under 25
>not fat
How many of those women do you think there are?

>2 billion women
shitskin whores aren't human
there's barely 10 million breedable females left on the whole planet

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Bad genetics

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I had a serious girlfriend once. She cheated on me and I no doubt developed trust issues.
In the years since I realized that I don't like women. I am physically attracted to them, but women do not have qualities of loyalty, selflessness, or common sense. I would not want to live with the vast majority of women. The interest has died.
On top of that I have a mental illness that runs in the family and I would not want to spread that to my kids.

cant find nobody to breed

Because I'm a retard.

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i fucking hate people

I'm a stupid jerk :(

We've been trying for a year and a half.

I can’t talk to anyone about anything, let alone women. I’m not interested in anything normies like. How many women do you think will take an interest in politics, philosophy, existentialism and wojak memes?

Surely you have found a way to blame it on the jews/liberals/gays/migrants though? :^)

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Bro I met my girl when I was 32 and she was 19. Don't be a faggot and give up

I have a 2 year old son, he's pretty cool

2 kids, 2 divorces. I think I'm done.

Why not?

I'm a 25 year old female and would still date my boyfriend if he was 30 years old *shrug*. For guys it's different, you can have kids later in life if you want.

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I do nigger it’s not hard just dont pull out

I have a kid. Wife is trying to get her to fall asleep. Bitch didn't make me dinner today

All the girls near me around me are the bottom of the barrel of society , sluts and ugly shitskins.and I despise npcs and normies

>I do nigger
Your mom does them too

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My boyfriend and I met at our old job and fell in love talking about all this stuff. Now we spend time browsing pol often ^_^