Reminder that everyone thought America was lying when it said invasion was imminent

Reminder that everyone thought America was lying when it said invasion was imminent

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Any Forums knew he would invade after the olympics yet again, foreign flaggots and meme flags said '2 more weeks'

get it straight, YOU were saying nothing ever happens

America didn't say invasion was imminent
America specifically claimed Putin was going to false flag

>US has intel that Russian troops have orders to invade Ukraine: report

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Lying faggot. Everyone on this low iq board said nothing ever happens

only shills post that garbage, and bots

you know this well

Sheeeeeeiiiiiiiitttttt only took them niggers 7 fucking years

Biden didn't want to get blamed for missing the call, he shouted it from the rooftops at least 4 days before it happened. They did expect a false flag event, but they also warned of the invasion.

Indeed! If I say that the US will experience a recession in the coming years, do I get cool guy points when it actually happens, especially if I have no idea when exactly?

That's true I argued with friends in real life that it was bullshit and it made me look like a schizo.

>Give me a 100% proof that Russia is going to invade after February 16.

>when it said invasion was imminent
this thread again
what, fkn glowie want a cookie?
did you actually STOP it from happening?
just like you didnt STOP afghanistan from falling apart?

You have an archive link on that? Because, you know, yahoo can just stick any dates they want on an article and US can claim to have predicted anything in advance.
Here, they claimed false flag, and when reporter asked for evidence, they said their statement was the evidence. It was a bad joke. I can't believe you think we would forget about this so quickly.

>US has intel that Russian troops have orders to invade Ukraine: report

>"They're doing everything that American commanders would do once they got the order to proceed,"

>"The intelligence says that Russian troops have actually received orders now to proceed with the invasion. So not only are they moving up closer and closer to the border and into these attack positions, but the commanders on the ground are making specific plans for how they would maneuver in their sector of the battlefield,"

"Everything we're seeing tells us that the decision we believe President Putin has made to invade is moving forward,"

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It is still lying and throwing propaganda. Zelensky is a war criminal using his people as humanshield

So let me get this straight:
-CIA leaked Ukrainian document to Russians about planned attack on Donbas
-CIA started to claim that Russia will invade Ukraine
CIA was right about thing they manufactured?

you keep posting the same source over and over
not believable

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Lol bro we were all fucking there, everyone but Putin was saying he was planning on invading and then the retard fucking went ahead and did it anyway. The only people who said there wasn’t gonna be an invasion were the fucking Russians in the UN, lying through their teeth as usual. This isn’t some shit that happened years ago, it’s still in the public memory including my own. You can pretend as much as you want faggot, reality still exists.

I didn't, and even started hoarding food and supplies a couple of weeks before (anticipating price hikes). Get fucked brainlet

Including zelensky, now hes kvetching we didnt do more

Everyone thought the usa was lying... in Croatia? The press I saw said they didn't say so.

I thought he wouldn’t because it seemed like such a bizarre plan with so many downsides and so few upsides. Now we’re, what, 15 days in, and everything that I thought would stop him from invading is happening. I don’t understand what he was thinking. But OP is right, this increases the credibility of American media. Thanks, Putin.

yeah i thought the same thing. stupid piece of shit just justified NATO more than anything in the last 40 fucking years. idk where the whole Finland and Sweden thing is anymore, but if they joined all Putin did was ensure NATO would expand more

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