I solved the great reset

This post got tranny jannied earlier so I'm trying again. More to follow.

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Other urls found in this thread:


"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.
It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published.
Its mistakes are buried, not headlined.
Its dissenters are silenced, not praised.
No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.
It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match."

These were the words of the late John F. Kennedy delivered in a speech to the press on April 27, 1961.
You would not be alone in assuming within the context of these words, he was referring to the Soviet Intelligence Machine, however, I posit today that he was not.
The organization to which he was referring is known today as the World Economic Forum and they have not changed tactics since this speech was given.
Today they boast of an upcoming "Great Reset" to which they march happily. This "Great Reset" was originally given the tagline,
"You Will Own Nothing, and Be happy". When I first read those words I was inspired to chuckle, as if I would give up my home, car, or any of the things I had worked for.
Let alone, would I be HAPPY about it. Today I posit, that they meant those words and that future is almost upon us.

Let me give you a glimpse into your future not even a year down the road. The price of fuel is at an average 9 USD a gallon,
the average two week grocery bill for a family of 4 is 600-700$, your rent of a 1500-1800 sq ft single family home in suburban outsets
is roughly 3500$ a month. Your salary has only increased roughly 6% from its current rate. Theres currently a movement surrounding the
rent crisis that Blackrock has caused by becoming the worlds largest landlord. But Wait the US Government has a solution! They'll purchase
the properties from Blackrock with their newly minted Digital Currency, and then rent them to citizens for a much lower rate artificially
driving down the price of rent. That will solve the problem! And if your mortgage is too unaffordable with the insane interest rates daddy
government will buy those too, so you can start using this new digital currency thats more stable than that dusty old dollar in your pocket.

Doesn't this sound great? This is the moment, that you truly will own nothing and be happy. And wait, it gets better, now that the government
is a landlord they can impose requirements like "Tenants must not store firearms on the premesis" but thats okay you can get more of this
new currency just take part in the voluntary gun buy back. Now you've got no home, no guns, and no real equity. But at least you've got
digital dollars, money that should you be deemed guilty of wrongthink as is so common these days, can be frozen. Because now your dollars are under uncle sams
watchful eye, and most importantly their control. You can't even pay your child an allowance without the IRS being aware of it.

Now I know all this sounds outlandish, but it is very real and it's absolutely coming. We'll set aside that they've said as much
in their advertisement materials. Throughout the past few years during Covid we were locked in our homes and told that if we went
to work we would die or kill someone we loved. All via a virus that apparently was less deadly than a bad flu season. Then told if
we want to work again we needed to get a mostly untested vaccine. Setting aside all thats wrong with what took place here, lets look at the
other things that happened during this stretch. Right before this happened talk of a shipping break down was beginning to surface and
then the evergreen blocked one of the most used canals in international shipping lanes. Then the majority of the productive world
was told to go home and hide. During this the worlds reserve currency was being printed faster than it ever had before NOT via stimulus
checks but via quantative easing. This is money that was handed to the worlds bankers to keep them solvent during this 'crisis'.

80% of the US dollars in existence were printed from January 2020 to October 2021. Now this for sure is troubling but what should trouble
you more is what the banks were doing with this money. Blackrock was using this money to buy real estate, and has been constantly since
covid began, they are continuing to do so to this day. Blackrock and other institutions like it were swooping in and buying Single Family
homes for 20-30% more than the listed asking price, this is the reason home prices have been skyrocketing. This is being done to price as
many average citizens as possible out of buying homes and to obtain the largest collection of rental properties in the world. Once Blackrock has reached a
critical mass, their whims will drive the price of rent and the price of a house. All to setup this "Great Reset".

Something must be done to prevent this from becoming our future. If you are not yet sure if this is taking place,
remember the tagline "Safe and Effective Vaccine", or perhaps, "Russia's(Putin's) Unprovoked War of Aggression"?
You'll start hearing a new one soon, but by then it may be too late, if you start hearing the news vomit a tagline
supporting a new digital US dollar remember this article and the future it promises.


Bump for interest since almost all threads are gay jewkraine psyop threads.

Gimme a qrd, I am a busy man

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This should help

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If this shit continues, you will in fact own nothing and originally be happy to give it up.

Ty fren I worked hard on this post.

Bumping for Klaus's timely demise

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Am I completely off base? May refine this and get in front of normies. Leaflet warfare

I'll bump too.
Sometimes when this sort of info gets posted,
I wonder if almost all of the traffic on this site is actually bots, and there are very few of us actually paying attention.
Because this is probably the only thing that any of us should be talking about at all anymore,
but the couple of times I've tried to post about it (albeit with much less detail than you have) it's pretty much been entirely ignored.

So yea, I mean.
I wonder how few us there really are.

Starting to feel like the dead internet schizos may be right.

(((blakkk rokkk))) was being funnelled money to enrich kikes at the federal reserve, to maintain the housing bubble (housing market is the only economy left on the de-industrialised world).

Reading comprehension isn't your favorite course it seems

Get back on your hole's, worship your nig nog boot lip heros.

If you wanted change you would have killed the kikes at the fed (Bernanke, Janet Yellen etc) or blakkk rokkk (Larry fink).

It's easier to bitch, I know. Get back to worshipping niggers instead of doing the needful (killing kikes).

You deliberately left out the role of the federal reserve, kill yourself.

God smiles every time a kike dies.

We aren't as schizo as you think.
A lot of us have been pointing this stuff out for years, but everybody felt good calling us crazy, so they didn't notice that the first people to call us crazy were actively trying to silence us.

But enough of that.
It's not off base.
I don't believe it's exactly the way it will go,
but that element of surprise is part of their idea.
In the end, it will be essentially the same.

The only problem I see is the covid issue. The way you mention it will likely cause most people to put it down right away.
But then again,
it's an important part of the deliberate distraction, and it's literally built into the timeline that the WEF publicly released and built into the simulations that they apparently run and communicate as part of their agenda.

So, it's hard to say.
If you genuinely want to create a leaflet,
I will sit here and bounce ideas of ways to improve it with you as best I can, from a language stand point, if you think that will help.
But honestly there's not much here to change,
I just have that overwhelming understanding of dread that precedes the realization of the number of psyops that stand in the way of seeing the agenda, many of which are still very effective on the average person, as far as we can tell

Great thread and summary. We are going to need a collective act of God to stop this but I think we will.

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