Any Forums can’t explain this one

Any Forums can’t explain this one

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American culture is centered around niggers

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Wow such racist whytoids

People value "diversity" when they experience it the least.

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90s in a nutshell

Anglos are retarded cucks. What's there to explain?

Good times create weak men.

No we can’t

Why did this happen?

Virtue signaling and a whole lot of sheltered leftie whites who've never been exposed to authentic niggers.

>People value "diversity" when they experience it the least.

my guess is they want their children to be raped


Proof that meritocracy works

>selected by the (((city council)))
>not democratically elected by the people

Yuppies, not once.

same fraud that got biden in

No, no. Niggers are centered around American Culture.

Kiked whites Virtue signaling so hard that it leads to their own demise, while the Jews have their second passports sitting in their back pockets ready to bounce at any moment when their host finally collapses under the weight of niggerdom.

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Post-Christian whites are indirectly suicidal.


jesus christ. how horrifying
imagine the influx of rapeugees

The far northeast is like 95% white, and when you don’t live around niggers, you don’t know about niggers. This is a bunch of shitlibs voting for a nigger with an is of room temperature, in an effort to make themselves feel good. It’s the political equivalent of that high school that gave those two black kids an award for existing.

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I’ll take what is white guilt for $500 Alex

Nobody in Ottawa would elect a somali mayor.

Stephen King must be so proud.

for context:
black women are FURIOUS with black men right now

pay attention Any Forums
Beyonce's mom made a documentary about black men and black women are SEETHING
check #blackfemicide on twitter for more

here is a black woman reactin to beyonce's mom's documentary

read the comments to see black women SEETHE they are being murdered every day by their men and are sick of media coddling them

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Somalians are probably still better than the American kind

> many people are retarded
> democracy
thats life
adapt and vibe

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No election fraud Soros money.
Most transparent election and no cheating

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same way Biden """”""""""""""""""""""""""won"""”""""""""""""""""""""""

this town seems to have more than their fair share

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>nearly all women