They are laughing at you from their ivory towers

They are laughing at you from their ivory towers.

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Other urls found in this thread:

it's going to be funny when they remote lock the doors on his tesla and accelerate him into a tree at 150mph

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IT'S ALL ABOUT THE GREAT RESET: The relentless fear-mongering Ukraine media coverage is to distract from the leaked WEF video and the anti-COVID/anti-big brother uprisings that were previously springing up worldwide. It also distracts from e.g. Biden's insanely low approval numbers, the biological labs the US ran in Ukraine, Biden family business dealings in the Ukraine, skyrocketing gas/food prices and the BLM communist Biden just nominated for SCOTUS.

One of the biggest moves... they want high gas prices. As high as possible. It will kick-off the orchestrated push to get the populace into either electric vehicles or public transportation so that the government can fully control freedom of movement.

Klaus Schwab stated in a leaked video that the WEF has infiltrated governments around the world with their globalist agents. For example, he states that OVER HALF of Justin Trudeau's cabinet has been "penetrated" by WEF "young globalist leaders” along with many other Western nations.

Also, the similarities between the current Ukraine media lies and the old Holohoax media lies are absolutely stunning:

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>gas the rich

Attached: Why 4Chan is being slid with shillers pushing the brother war for bankers (Late Feb 2022), (Covid enables Big Pharma to profit bigly to enslave you and your descendents forever).png (1080x3773, 483.79K)

i would pay $10 a bullet because i only use rope

>learn to code
>just buy an electric car
>don’t worry about not being able to travel long distances on infrastructure that won’t support your vehicle
>don’t worry about how many batteries it will take to replace the auto market
>don’t worry about the fact those don’t last forever

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>Deal with it, be a patriot and don't complain about the price gouging

In the west its the elites saying this gleefully as they siphon more money from the middle and lower class

In Russia its the oligarchs who are now the only source of energy and goods who are also celebrating their reinforced monopolies

Nobody cares about Ukraine except Ukranians, everyone else is using their destruction as an excuse to raise prices

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let them eat cake
don't you guys have phones

Goes him off Rockefeller Center with piano wire around his neck strapped to an air conditioner.

These people are going to get overthrown. Once people can't afford anything anymore they'll come for these retards.

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>"I'll pay"
>"I drive a tesla"
You have to pay fifteen bucks for something he doesn't use is a sacrifice he's willing to make.


Id pay 15 bucks a gallon NOT to drive a tesla.
Fuck having a car some cunt can switch off via satelite.

>hurp durp oil prices don't matter to me because i drive electric let's just ignore the entire oil based infrastructure of the country i live in also TWO FUCKING SCOOPS

smash their heads in with hammers
in the metaverse

Yeah the poor fuckers can just buy a 50k Mach e. Yes. That's it. Except they're poor can't afford it and don't make enough to qualify for the tax credit.

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Doubt it will happen, as a mouthpiece for the establishment. He’ll never blow the whistle on anything, he’ll just continue blowing the whistles of the wealthy corporate parasites he works for.

>bout time to rock n roll

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