Smartest Ukrainian person has been killed by Russians

Ukraine is losing its greatest minds. RIP.

Attached: Ostap Yarysh on Twitter A terrifying photo from #Mariupol, #Ukraine. A pregnant woman is being evacuated after the Russian airstrike at the maternity.png (655x744, 216.2K)

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fuck around and find out

That's a man.

This is actually fucked up

nice hairstyle

But when illegal immigrants kill kids in my country every day nobody cares. They say it’s a source of our strength.

>russians killed a tranny
at least they did one thing right so far

Not my problem

maybe she wan't so good at math after all

He wasn't even top 20

That's a man.

Not my problem chud

>digits aside
they forgot to mention the building she was in was located on top of a bioweapons lab.

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are you in the top 20,000?

Well she wasn't as smart as leaving a warzone when women are allowed to.

So this 'genius' coudn't predict the trajectory of artillery shells LMAO

this gonna sound outta pocket but imma keep it above 50 she sus deadass fr fr no cap

Fucking kek.

When I was 12 or so I did some International math competitions.
I got a silver medal award for Europe.

>ugly yid w/ sidecut
And nothing of value was lost.

Russia killing dykes since "forever"

Ukraine has lost it's mind.

>woman math genius

The manlet midwitt overload doesn’t need math it’s return to monkey

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Ah yes- I suppose we'll see six more Ukranian Anne Franks. And 6,000,000 dead Ukranians when it's said and done.

As I type, Ukranian children are being masturbated to death, but some will escape with the help of birds and bears. Theire parents were used as lamp shades and for this they deserve life-long gibs.

My early life senses are tingling

Oh wow a has been


She didn't calculate that


Ostap Yaryshit.

>smartest person
lol lmao

Why do women do this haircut where all the hair is on one side and the other is shaved?
Looks like crap.

Attached: chrissy.png (1280x720, 630.05K)

of RU shelling or with RU shelling?

Someone shoop zoomerhair

>Math Olympics

She’d still be alive if she hadn’t been such a nerd.

>every other news report (mostly twatter)
>no official ukranian reports

Checked N' Keked

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I'm okay with this one

why didn't the ukrainians even attempt to use the western border as the front lines?

The two Finns that participated got 0/42 and 3/42

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a jew died.

2nd place means the first loser

Another covid victim... many such cases... so sad.