Assassinates his political oppinents

>assassinates his political oppinents
>bombs Ukraine, including a children's hosputal and a maternity ward

Is he a sociopath?

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yeah, he's literally Thanos from Harry Potter


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>imagine shilling for the NWO using a vpn
By the way, the US did that in Ukraine + shut down all TV stations that were advertising Zelenskys political opponent.
kys Pentagon faggot

Either a sociopath or psychopath.
But it was more or less evident even in his early life.
But going for genocide after 20 years of history of petty war crimes is a real pro gamer move. Hats off my Putin.

>assassinates his political oppinents

As do all politicians. Clinton enemies disappear faster than you can count to 3

>bombs Ukraine, including a children's hosputal and a maternity ward

muh “hosputal” nigga Zelensky should have laid down weapons on the day the invasion started if he wanted peace. Instead he drafted without age restriction and handed guns to criminals.

>Is he a sociopath?
Shit yea and I love him for it

nothing personal, kid.

Attached: Michael Rossi Poli Sci - Putin Address on Military Situation in Ukraine and Fallen Russian Soldiers -- English Subtitles [8_BGNNKQ5TM - 1280x720 - 3m30s].png (1280x720, 682.94K)

anything or anyone that makes westoids seethe is GOOD

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He’s an autistic psychopath who can’t let go of the Soviet Union, he wants to try to recreate then have it collapse again

Yes, and that’s based and redpilled. He did nothing wrong.

Wrong you fucking nigger. Putin is based for doing all of those things, so if America did them too, they’d be based, which is impossible. Ergo, either said actions are unbased, or America didn’t do them. Because the former would mean Putin is no longer based, it’s untrue. Thus America did not do those things.

Kind of like sex, the eternal up down up + in out in.


Because he's based. Putin is everything people fear about the Clintons and he gets away with it because he's a conservative.

He's a devoted orthodox Christian who is Christ's instrument to decimate freemasonry and the rest of the satanic pedophile elite. Christ is king

Attached: Valid sacraments .jpg (604x413, 89.81K)


>j-just give up if you don’t want us bombing your childrens hospitals!!
Vatniks with the same lines over and over

they're ALL like that, dummy

Russia fights for Christ

Attached: Russian armed forces Cathedral .jpg (662x330, 89.6K)

>put weapons on civilian buildings

Based and Biblepilled

Find Jesus

Attached: A holy Christian Russian military .jpg (612x469, 104.42K)

>assassinates his political oppinents
Probably globohomo agents like ukraines president

>He personally made the decision the blow up kids hospital
I don't think that's how it works

Probably, but most importantly. He deserves to die. I can't wait to see a hundred knives sticking out of his back as he gets dragged through the streets.

This type of thinking shows your true NPC blood.
The US pulled a coup in Ukraine when they placed Petro Poroshenko in office.
Your colorful language shows you have low level education and need to do some more research over on r/antiwork chud.

I wonder how their god would feel about blowing up hospitals full of women and children. Every russian dog deserves to burn in hell. No amount of pews and prayers will save you from being returned back to hell.

>Does mean things for direct benefit
If you think this is exclusive to sociopaths, you may never want to meet the average person.

Slava Ukr... ACK!!!

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