Is he redpilled on world affairs?

Is he redpilled on world affairs?

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Definitely not.

He's a Hollywood cocksucker, so definitely not.

He probably just hangs out in /gif/ tranny threads and occasionally has a headache over the fact that he hosts Any Forums and can't get rid of the board despite his desire to.

Maybe I'm wrong but Japanese men are the classic incels that do whatever women want them to. Japanese women slowly drinking the globohomo kool-aid. Japanese men must either obey their increasingly liberal women or open their eyes and see just how much they've lost since the forced end of their isolationism - a very bitter pill that will bring a man to his knees and make him suicidal.

The Patriots = the shadow elites
Foxdie = Corona etc
Metal Gears = Boston Dynamics / AI
The S3 program = CCP style social control

Yep, he knows a few things

literally who is this dink?

Hideo is, Kojima is a hollywood-worshipping retard.

Yes and so was Guerrilla Games. Killzone franchise had to be shut down. Link related very related. Almost word for word.

I'm retarded I thought this was the Japanese Any Forums owner. Maybe I really am racist?

He's a liberal cuck

Not anymore. Kojima is constantly trying to wedge his way into the (((Hollywood))) circle so he can become one of them. Why do you think he keeps getting more and more A-listers for his games?

But his MGS ghostwriter is redpilled

Bluepilled commie simping for hollywood.
My dissapointment is immeasureable.

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>The Patriots
they're 12 oh wait no they've all died 100y ago oh no wait they're an AI oh no wait they're still alive oh no wait etc redcon
>Foxdie = corona
foxdie actually killed people and it's nothing like the coof wtf

The guy who wrote the shitshow that was rising give us the beaut that were armstrong speeches

He's at least a little more aware than the average normie

Depends on who is in control at the moment

Attached: Hideo and Kojima.jpg (592x394, 35.56K)

You bet your fucking ass Hideo is. Especially after his drama with Konami.

what do you think, OP?

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no he parrots what pedowood celebrities say and those folk are just woke parrots themselves

Coof was made in a lab and just a test run. They could make one that targets specific groups, and once they have everyone's DNA profiles they can work on something that kills based on that. You know they will try

>The man who gives no fucks and calls (( them )) out
>Gets hired by Sony and the madman shows how (( they )) USE babies to establish themselves somehow in the spiritual plane

Kojima is definitely gigabased, too bad he's working under globohomo contrlled brands

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Wouldnt death stranding prove otherwise being a muh wall parable? and the few based ideas in MGS2 were done way more consicely in the og Deus Ex which was released the previous year

I can't understand the cult around him. He made some cringe semi-anime mediocre games.

He said that death stranding is about trump's wall.

Still a stretch calling it similar to corona. The gray death is way more like it for instance

>and calls (( them )) out
Where? And why only 2 parentheses user

is this Chinese moot

I think everyone should die. Everyone.

The point wasn't Corona, it was bioweapons in general that can target whoever they want. Or just using bioweapons to kill in general. I have zero doubt that they have biolabs everywhere because they are trying to make better bioweapons, not to "cure" the flu LOL