Russia says its goal is not to overthrow Ukraine's government

Please telme how this is not a mega COPE?

Putin literally said that the Ukrainian government are a bunch of nazi junkies

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He also said his goal was not to invade right up until he invaded so do you believe him just when it suits you or?

they are but he doesn't really cares about it as long as he is sure ukraine won't join nato

He never said what his goal or casus belli is

>Ukrainian government are a bunch of nazi junkies

he did not lie or exaggerated

He's never said he wanted regime change.

He wants Ukraine demilitarized, neutral, and Crimea, DPR and LPR. If Zelensky agrees, the better, Vladimir Putin - "Empire of Lies" russia send food

Jew rat Zelensky: no, I want make WW3, I don’t care about goyim at all, I am a jew.

>He never said what his goal or casus belli is

he said the goal was to demilitarize and denazificate Ukraine.
How the hell will he archive that if he is not overthrowing Ukraine government?

It's like saying go fuck yourself

>If Zelensky agrees,

Zelensky lie about nuclear catastrophe

Nukes are jew rat hoax fear mongering

Zelensky need two more lines of coke!

Kike is high !

Because there aren't any. He's literally a spaz

It's better for him to stay in power and have to deal with the economic catastrophe and the anger at him for giving up territory.

>lie this pathetically while monke is hiding in his bunker

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>Russia says
Nothing they say is reliable

He’s still trying to make up a justification for the invasion to begin with

>Putin literally said that the Ukrainian government are a bunch of nazi junkies
false. he said there are nazi elements in Ukraine. that isn't the same as saying the president/government is nazi

but you knew that already

all narratives in your head faggot

Then why the fuck would he invade the western parts of Ukraine too. Why not just take the rebel controlled regions as well. This is so fucking stupid

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did he say that?

or are you just quoting what the media are saying?

So you’re admitting that the Kiev regime is nazi after all? Good job.

>the russians arw the real nadsees

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Apparently a Russian spokeswoman Maria Jarajorarovova said it on Wednesday.

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The worst time to cuck out is now.

Either go all the way to Kiev or spit on your sacrificed soldiers.
Is Putin deranged? If he doesn't win or half asses this he will be cursed by both Uglies and Russians.

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He hasn't invaded the West though, unless you count the Capital and Odessa.

I mean non rebel controlled regions

>Ukraine backing down from their let us join NATO and EU goal
>Russia backing down from their overthrow Ukrainian government goal
I don't get it, does that mean they're both getting tired of this war and are preparing grounds for negotiations?

I dont think they have the fuel to do it.
Putin might die of old age before they get that truck convoy moving.

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So the first goal of invading Ukraine is to find a goal for invading Ukraine. Got it. Maybe there's some like, GMO wheat over here or something they can use for justification.

At least it seems like it at the moment, but this is pretty unpredictable because I have no idea what is the point of all of this if they are leaving government intact.

no, hes saying russia is pulling straws at this point to justify this invasion. they have no right to be there

Annexation doesn't mandate regime change. Read more.

Seize land, Ukraine changes its constitution. That's it really.

And on behalf of the American public, we're all okay with it.

Russia, you have our blessing. Do your thing, line them up against a wall.

Feels like there are cheaper ways to do that.