Incel Candidate won in South Korea

Are you happy now, Any Forums?

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who cares about some bing bong ching chong country politics

Any Korean male should want a full patriarchy after a literal misandrist psycho feminist cult was revealed to have secretly ran the country behind the scenes for decades. Still haven't heard much fallout from that other than one of their puppets having to step down.

North Korea is still vastly superior culturally, asthetically, spiritually, and socially than that CIA puppet shithole in the South until proven otherwise.

their society(and ours) are still fucked. doesnt make a difference
>muh voting will change things!

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>Young, Angry, Misogynistic, and Male

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>media already in damage control

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Wasn't there that interesting story not too long ago about there being some weird cultist feminist types who tried to overthrow the country or ruled it? This seems like a fairly logical step, given that.


Guarantee some permavirgin beta wrote this article.

Incel Asian men pose the biggest terrorist threat to South Korea

honestly it sounds pretty based to me
especially after the whole 8 women cabal bullshittery that ran sk for a decade or whatever

How come Korean men are still capable of standing up for themselves?

What do they have that we don't? What, balls? Brains? Brawn? What is it?

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Sounds AWESOME. I hope ha manages to improve things.

I absolutely am.

Feminism pushed them way harder. We are talking feminists stating that the objective of their movement was to killl all korean men including children and racemix with foreigners to eliminate korean men.

The feminists are trying to do the same here but in SK is in the open

>yoon actually won
nice but its still a globohomo puppet state

good, fuck women and their state department funded feminist jew bullshit

For those who don't know, South Korea is run by a feminist cult that wants to kill all men and I am not making this shit up

Does the daughters of Megalia still exist?


i hope he doesn't commit "suicide"

Game over demons incels won muahahaha

It's going to take a lot more than this to make me happy again.

The Feminists went to far and made porn illegal. Porn is a valuable opiate for incels. They may still rage about how they can't get laid, but then they blow off some steam by jerking off. You take that away and they feel the need to fight and do something.

Lol at this clown world media, they are really going to be screaming “incel” at all the men who just want traditional nuclear family monogamous culture to return

kek based

incelocracy about to be instated in South Korea
femoids on suicide watch

p.s send the feminists across the DMZ en masse then when the norks shoot them all just say "thanks, we didn't want to waste bullets on them"

If jew media doesn't like it, and if nothing else is constraining my decision, then I support it.

none of that bullshit matters when you're starving to death.

Kek, leftists are as obsessed by ''incels'' as incels are by women

weird... seeing how South Korea is the most Christian nation in all of east Asia... I thought that would have meant that it would have been a DEUS VULT EVROPA RETVRN TO TRADITION nation.

Are the tradlarpers on Any Forums lying to us?

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god i need to find a homely gook gf with cute eyes and have her breed my blue eyes and brown hair out of the genepool

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Interesting that this would never happen in a Western country.
Despite the idea that people in democracy would vote for their own interests, Western morality sees this as immoral to do: all young people here believe you must vote for the interests of other people who have less than you, to make their life better, even at the expense of yours.

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Die kike, you sound just like James Deen who says porn is medicine for the incels