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Looks cool to be honest, would adopt as a pet.

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First Lanternflies and now these? I guess it's time to get squashing. Eastcoast bros... we can fucking do this!

>We are all Australians now
RIP burgers

Haha insecticide go psshh


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Looks like a golden Orb Weaver, I have those in my backyard every summer

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Imagine the taste.

Not gud.

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I live in the east coast and if you think I'm going to let a bunch of stupid spider ruin my comfy walks you've got another thing coming buddy. We are the same people who fought in Valley Forge and Saratoga. These spiders don't know what they're getting themselves into. To Joro spiders I say: good luck and good fucking bye. I'll squash those mother fuckers every damn day like I did lantern flies.

Bill Gates did it. Same with mosquitoes in Florida.
>falling from the sky
Fuck this bullshit.

how you do that?
the woodniggers always bite me just bcoz

ye, like the asian giant wasps or something from years ago that were going to decimate everyone

I wonder how that is going

I snapped a pic of one of these in ny last summer. Never seen them before and there were 2 more in the same bush nearby.

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wow a parachuting spider just flew over my house

Parachuting spiders?!?!?!?! Noooooooooo!

and invasive marine life comes from japan as well. they need to be tried for their crimes against nature

When I saw those thing last year I was like what the fuck is that thing. But apparently they dont really eat anything that hurts us. The damn stinkbugs are much worse as far as that goes.

This user gets it.

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If they eat chinese stink bugs, they are welcome at my house.

Apparently they do. Spiderbros can't get here soon enough.

A quarter of the earth assaulted by beasts of all kinds.

sboders xd

>Researchers announce
Fake news. Daily dose of fear. There's spiders in the sky!!!

Remember the honey bee's dying and peak oil? Everything is a psyop.

That's literally how spiders spread though, when spiderlings are born they balloon and travel everywhere, sometimes hundreds or thousands of miles.

Most of them die when ballooning though 95+%

Fuck that I want these things here. I'll be throwing lanternflys and stinkbugs into their webs for them.

>normal orb weaver
uh, they dont already have those there? thats even weirder

You're right and wrong. They only "fly" when they're tiny, but all the reporting is making it sound like they'll be falling from the skies full grown.

pimp daddy long legs comin to colonize yo beaches


what you said

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