Kill someone for saying the N-word and get 2 years of house arrest

>A Florida Dunkin' employee accused of fatally punching a customer who used a racial slur against him pleaded guilty to felony battery and was sentenced to two years of house arrest
>Corey Pujols, 27, was ordered by a Tampa judge on Monday to complete 200 hours of community service and attend an anger management course.

This is what happens when you polcels say the N-word in real life. No one will mourn you losers and your killers will only get a slap on the wrist! Lmaooooo

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Peak N privilege.

Saying nigger in public is pretty retarded and inconsequent
There are other more intelligent ways to belittle niggers

And soon they'll have minimal consequences for killing you for that as well!
>and that's a good thing!

That’s the system you’re righting for when you’re pro Biden/Jewkraine

Keep it up lads

There is a 0% chance that boomer actually said nigger. Niggers know if you chimp out and kill a white man, you can just say "Sheeit well dat bitch call me a nigga an sheeit" and get off with no jail time.

you have chosen to allow jews to run your nation, you will suffer the consiquence.

All niggers should exterminated. Didn’t read.

>muh Slavic Jewpuppet theater

If this was reversed there would be riots

>da J00000000z!
Face it. Every race hates white people and killing them for any slight offense is basically acceptable at this point.

this, happens all the time

There's no way to reverse it unless the black guy was insulting his dead mother or something.

>There's no way to reverse it unless the black guy was insulting his dead mother or something.
...or maybe if he said cracker, honkey, or white boy. You retarded or you just didn't know racial slurs for white people exist?

If this was reversed there would be white people demanding the white kids head.
Even whites don't like whites!

The old man was a sex offender so I don't care

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-03-09 at 1.48.04 PM.png (285x156, 15.38K)

Well if physical violence becomes an accepteble response to verbal violence that is the moment free speech becomes meaningless because that lowers the threshold of using violence in responce to dialoge enought that nobody can feel free to speak His mind without having to fear somebody could Interpret it as a verbal attack and attack you physicaly. The example given is a shocking Statement about murricas justice System bc in a good justice System it shouldnt matter what someone says to you the fact that the reaction was physical Attack and that that Attack ended Up lethel makes it a severe crime. The only kind of excuse could be if the other Party threatens you with concret violence in wich case it can be Seen as self defence. Beeing racist while beeing socialy unaccepteble cant be legaly unaccepteble bc every Person under the freedom of thought has the right to hate who ever he wants for what ever reason he wants. Now acting on that hatred must be reacted to according to the Action so If someone is violent bc of racist motives the important Thing is not the reason but the act of violence. Equaly saying racist things to someone is not substantialy different than harrasing someone in any other way it can just be interpretet to be very severe harrasment but that is subjective and Not objective.

White people aren't as offended by those words as blacks are by nigger. If a White person did chimp out after one of those words, the media would say he's fragile and that white slurs don't have the same historic weight as black slurs. Whites aren't allowed to be offended by anti-white shit.
The only way for a black guy to make a white guy chimp out in the same predictable way he would at the word nigger, and for the media / normies to have any sympathy at all for the white guy, would be to hit below the belt at something personal.

Except it is acceptable if someone says the n-word

>something personal
Kek. No.
White's aren't even allowed to defend themselves against PoC
>and that's a good thing!


The white guy was in the wrong here legally speaking.
The black dude was clearly backing up, the white guy had a moment to see this and reflect on it, and then he shoots him anyway.

This. Every time they attack or stab someone that's their excuse

I think the point is that certain people are able to murder people off handedly and use racism as an affirmative and effective defense

US law makes it self evident that Niggers are violent with no self control.

How the fuck do you fatally punch someone? Did he get over him and beat him to death or was it just one punch and dead? Cus if it’s the latter then that’s pathetic

Shit makes me so mad. I fucking hate niggers and nigger-lovers so much.

If Reviewbrah killed anyone, for any reason, under any circumstances, I'd settle for 2 years house arrest as his sentence.

the reason he was found guilty had more to do with talking to police

A nigger is a nigger.

they old man was a pedo who cares

>his sex offender record

There is some legal rule which I can't remember the name of which basically states that if someone dies because of a condition you were unaware of you are not responsible. No way that nigger knew Whitey had a glass jaw. Also the dude was a registered sex offender, so the nigger did Gods work.


Good thing this lad did his research before killing him then, huh?

Most of the time, "da en wurd" is never said, but nogs know that's a get out of jail free card.

punch knocked him out, he dropped and smashed his head on the ground
It was all caught on camera and he's clearly in the wrong